Tag Archives: Immigration

Immigration Edition.

A court struck down Arizona’s policy denying driver’s licenses to young DACA beneficiaries, and California is negotiating with federal authorities over the design of the permit for undocumented drivers. These and other news are reported, as well as tips for Dreamers and the undocumented on how to prepare for the license application. Guests: Dulce Matuz, […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta |

Fair Pay for Guest Workers.

Mexican guest workers who were recruited and brought into the U.S. by landscaping giant TruGreen on H-2B visas have reached a settlement with the company. The plaintiffs complained that failing to reimburse travel and immigration-related expenses violated the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. Under the agreement, the national provider of landscape services will reimburse the […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Mexico |

Alabama Schools: “Show Me Your Papers”?

Civil rights watchdogs found the vast majority of Alabama’s school districts were asking parents to provide their children’s Social Security numbers or birth certificates in violation of federal laws. Hundreds of families have reported problems when enrolling their children in school, raising the presumption of discrimination based on their immigration status. State officials are releasing […]

Posted in Education, Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta |

Immigration Edition.

Human rights advocates call on Washington to give detained migrant children detained a humane treatment and refugee status. A Republican congressman who played a key role on immigration in the House says he was told by House Republican leaders that immigration reform is dead. Pulitzer-winner undocumented journalist, Jose Antonio Vargas, was detained by Border Patrol […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta |

Immigration Edition.

President Obama is seeking support from Congress to expedite deportation of migrant children. Conservative protesters blocked three buses transporting detained immigrant families. Legal experts call on the White House to ensure due process and human treatment for detained child migrants. From Central America an expert discusses the crisis of violence experienced by some Central American […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

Immigration Edition.

A Senate bill in California would erase Proposition 187 from the code books. Another bill would ask California voters whether Congress should immediately enact immigration reform with a path to citizenship. Also discussed is the announcement made by President Obama to take an executive action towards an immigration reform and the crisis at the border. […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Topics, Politics |

Immigration Edition.

New York state legislators are introducing the New York is Home Act, the first step in a national campaign to push states to extend full equality to millions of non citizens. In California, after a new law will allow undocumented immigrants to apply for driver’s licenses, a coalition is pushing to have a license that […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta |

Immigration Edition.

This week’s marks the two anniversary of DACA, the program that defers deporting undocumented immigrants who arrived as children. Hundreds of thousands have yet to apply for the benefit. How can DACA reach them, especially those in rural areas? Analysts also comment on the role immigration played in the recent primary races of leading Republicans […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta |

Executive Action and Humanitarian Crisis at the border.

President Obama’s decision to delay his review of U.S. deportation policies until the end of the summer was received with disappointment among some and support among others. News developments to discuss include the federal action to provide relief and care to unaccompanied children from Mexico and Central America who are crossing the border in growing […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta |

Undocumented Graduates Commencement.

With hundreds of undocumented students enrolled in San Francisco State University, faculty members and supporters gave special stoles to graduates whose families have been affected by deportation. This program includes speeches at this special commencement program. It also includes an insight into the impact DACA has had on young people and details about the renewal […]

Posted in Education, Immigration, Línea Abierta |