Tag Archives: Immigration

Health for All Minors.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22. PROGRAM # 7636 12:00 PM PT Health for All Minors. California Gov. Brown signed a new law to extend health care coverage to undocumented children. beginning in May 2016, Medi-Cal, the public health state program for the poor, will extend coverage to about 170,000 undocumented children under age 19. How is California’s […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Anti “Sanctuary City” Bill Blocked.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20. PROGRAM # 7634 12:00 PM PT Anti “Sanctuary City” Bill Blocked. A Republican-sponsored bill targeting “sanctuary cities” failed to advance in the US Senate. The measure, that would have imposed harsher penalties for illegal reentry and cut off federal funds for states and cities that refuse to comply with ICE detainer requests, […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

New Anti Wage-Theft Law.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15. PROGRAM # 7631 12:00 PM PT New Anti Wage-Theft Law. California Gov. Brown signed into law a historic wage theft bill that targets employers who steal wages from their workers.  The new law, known as Fair Day’s Pay Act, gives state authorities more tools to crackdown on employers cited for wage theft […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Banning Private Prisons. Also, Fasting for DAPA.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13. PROGRAM # 7629 12:00 PM PT Banning Private Prisons. A Latino congressman has introduced a bill in Washington, named “Justice is not for Sale Act,” to end family detention, ban for-profit prisons and curb a mandate requiring federal agencies to fill tens of thousands of beds for detained immigrants. This and other […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta |

Sheepherders Battle Sheep Industry.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8. PROGRAM # 7626 12:00 PM PT Sheepherders Battle Sheep Industry. Immigrant shepherds are fighting the sheep industry and federal labor authorities in court, accusing sheep ranches around the West of conspiring to keep wages low and to federal agencies for allowing wages to drop to illegally low levels. Up to 2,500 guest […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta |

The Immigration and Nationality Act Turns 50.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6. PROGRAM # 7624 12:00 PM PT The Immigration and Nationality Act Turns 50. Fifty years ago this week, President Johnson signed the Immigration and Nationality Act into law, a landmark legislation that removed race-based quotas and opened the doors to immigrants from all over the world. This was the last of the […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta |

Migrant Health. Also, My Health LA.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 5. PROGRAM # 7623 12:00 PM PT Migrant Health. About half of non-citizen immigrants from Latin America are left out of the US health care system, with most living in poverty and many suffering from diabetes. A detailed report on this issue is being issued at a bi-national forum on migrant health today […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Health |

Immigration Detentions: Abusive. Also, New Asylum Win.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. PROGRAM # 7614 12:00 PM PT Immigration Detentions: Abusive. A federal bipartisan commission blasted the U.S. immigrant detention system, warning that the detainees are illegally being treated as criminals and drawing special attention to the abusive treatment of migrant children and families seeking asylum. A news correspondent reports on the recent death […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Mexico |

California Legislative Review.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. PROGRAM # 7606 12:00 PM PT California Legislative Review. A landmark bill to fight climate change by reducing gas consumption was gutted, leaving vulnerable communities and children at greater risk of asthma attacks and other ills from toxic smog. Also, a bill named SB 4 or Health for All Children, which would […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

Reforming Guest Worker Program. Also, Au Pairs: Cheap Child Care?

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. PROGRAM # 7605 12:00 PM PT Reforming Guest Worker Program. As Congress resumes sessions, conservative members of Congress move in the appropriations process to block new rules issued by the Department of Labor to bring protections for foreign guest workers, while progressive congressmembers prepare legislation demanding stronger protections against the abuse of […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta |