Tag Archives: Dreamers

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

*Historic Atlanta Vote Reassures Democrats of Senate Majority
*Eleventh Hour Deal in the Senate to Legalize the Dreamers
*Appealing to Citizens to Reduce Hate Crimes in Los Angeles

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

DACA and Citizenship Updates

What are the options for those who seek protection under the Differed Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) not that a Federal Judge from the State of Texas has ruled the program was created illegally. Also, our guest talks about the advantages of becoming a U.S. citizen. Guest: Ricardo Nunez, DOJ Partial Accredited RepresentativeUFW Foundation

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Mi Casa – Center For Dreamers

Hartnell Community College in Salinas, California launches Center for Achievement and Student Advancement (Casa), in support to students regardless of their residency status. Guests: Ana Gonzalez, Mi Casa Program Assistant and Adriana Gonzalez, Student

Posted in Placita Bilingüe |

Dreamers Club

Everett Alvarez’s High School Dreamers’ Club in Salinas, CA, a student-led organization, seeks to raise awareness, create community, and advocate for immigration reform. We provide students and families with resources, community service opportunities, and support with college applications and scholarships, as well as information regarding the Dream Act and DACA. Guests: Ms. Ana Barrera, Mr.Jason […]

Posted in Youth Focused |

Dreamer Youth Travel to South to Promote Latino Vote

The young people will be talking with civic groups and lawmakers about the importance for their families of President Obama’s immigration measures, DACA and DAPA.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth, Politics |

Legalization and Citizenship: Which Roads Lead to Rome?

While the immigration issue doesn’t appear to be inspiring much urgency from Republicans going into the midterm elections, the pressure to attract Latino votes before the general election of 2016 could be a factor in Republicans’ calculations.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Topics |