Tag Archives: Desarrollo Económico

Wage Theft, Air Pollution.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. PROGRAM # 7620 12:00 PM PT Wage Theft, Air Pollution. Warning that companies that pollute the air are the same ones that cheat the workers, labor and environmental groups are joining forces to push for laws, currently pending in Sacramento, that help workers recover earnings lost to wage theft and reduce oil […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment |

Huelga! Fifty Years.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. PROGRAM # 7610 12:00 PM PT Huelga! Fifty Years. On Mexican Independence Day, fifty years ago, hundreds of mostly Mexican American farm workers voted in Delano to join the strike launched by Filipino grape workers the week before. The great grape strike lasted more than five years, setting in motion a number […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta |

Reforming Guest Worker Program. Also, Au Pairs: Cheap Child Care?

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. PROGRAM # 7605 12:00 PM PT Reforming Guest Worker Program. As Congress resumes sessions, conservative members of Congress move in the appropriations process to block new rules issued by the Department of Labor to bring protections for foreign guest workers, while progressive congressmembers prepare legislation demanding stronger protections against the abuse of […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta |

The Delano Grape Strike: 50 Years.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. PROGRAM # 7603 12:00 PM PT The Delano Grape Strike: 50 Years. Fifty years ago this month, Filipino and Mexican farmworkers walked out on strike against grape growers in the Delano area, in California’s Central Valley. The strike and the boycott that ensued gave birth to a historic national movement that transformed […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta |

Berries Turn Sour.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26. PROGRAM # 7595 12:00 PM PT Berries Turn Sour. Organized berry workers in Washington state are joining forces with farm laborers in Mexico’s San Quintín Valley in their common demand for higher wages, union contracts and negotiation meetings. Today, those independent unions are organizing boycott committees against Driscoll’s, the transnational corporation that […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Mexico |

Cracking Down on Wage Theft.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 20. PROGRAM # 7591 12:00 PM PT Cracking Down on Wage Theft. Stating that wage theft is an epidemic that pervades the economy, and Los Angeles is the wage theft capital of the country, state and local officials convene a town hall meeting in Los Angeles to drum up support for a pending […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta |

Boycotting Berries.

MONDAY, AUGUST 10. PROGRAM # 7583 12:00 PM PT Boycotting Berries. Representatives for organized berry laborers from the San Quintin Valley tour the U.S. holding the berry giant Driscoll’s co-responsible for unfair labor conditions in this agro-export enclave in Northern Mexico. They visited the United Nations in New York and today they stop in San […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Mexico |

Ahold USA to Buy Fair-Food Tomatoes. Conflict in Blueberry Fields.

THURSDAY, JULY 30. PROGRAM # 7576 12:00 PM PT Ahold USA to Buy Fair-Food Tomatoes. In a landmark victory for Florida’s organized farmworkers, Ahold USA, the parent company to Stop and Shop and other supermarket chains, has signed on to the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Fair Food program. This is the first major U.S. grocer […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta |

The Bilingual Advantage.

TUESDAY, JULY 28. PROGRAM # 7574 12:00 PM PT The Bilingual Advantage. Is being bilingual good for your job prospects? Contrary to what English Only proponents would say, leading scholars conclude that bilingual speakers enjoy a number of economic benefits in today’s globalized U.S. labor market. An education expert discusses the economics of bilingualism for […]

Posted in Economy, Education, Youth, Línea Abierta |

Guestworkers: Stuck at the Bottom.

THURSDAY, JUNE 25. PROGRAM # 7551 12:00 PM PT Guestworkers: Stuck at the Bottom. A reputed think tank found that across the U.S., the wages and working conditions of guest workers are as low as those of undocumented workers. Having legal temporary status does not help them improve their workplace conditions and standard of living. […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta |