Tag Archives: Desarrollo Económico

Latino Economic Power.

THURSDAY, JULY 20 PROGRAM # 8114 12:00 PM PT Latino Economic Power. A first of its kind study concludes that if the Latino GDP were a country, it would be the seventh largest in the world, larger than India, and ahead of Italy and Brazil. And it’s one of the most dynamic economies: the Latino […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta |

Latino Journey to Financial Greatness.

THURSDAY, JULY 13 PROGRAM # 8109 12:00 PM PT Latino Journey to Financial Greatness. In ten practical steps, the book “Latino Journey to Financial Greatness” guides Latino readers through the basic principles of financial literacy, how to prevent the most common money mistakes, and build a financial plan. From sealing a deal with a handshake […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta |

Texas Voter ID Law. Also, Wendy’s and Fair Food. Also, Comey’s Testimony. Also, Death by White Vigilantes.

THURSDAY, JUNE 8 PROGRAM # 8084 12:00 PM PT Texas Voter ID Law. After a federal judge ruled that Texas voter ID law intentionally discriminates against back and Latino voters, the state softened in recent days the voter ID requirements, considered the strictest in the nation. Texas’ lawyers face a new hearing this week on […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Trump Budget.

THURSDAY, JUNE 1 PROGRAM # 8079 12:00 PM PT Trump Budget. President Trump’s budget plan, which would cut the taxes for millionaires and make deep cuts to social spending, is a threat against the economy of the Latino family, according to social leaders. Also, a new report says the House Republican health bill would leave […]

Posted in Economy, Education, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Latino Immigrant Businesses on the Rise. Also. Trump’s Action on DACA.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 24 PROGRAM # 7982 12:00 PM PST. Latino Immigrant Businesses on the Rise. Of the 25 million businesses in the US, four million are owned by Latinos. These businesses are the sector with the fastest growth in the US economy. Why are these entrepreneurs so active? What’s their impact in the US economy? […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

From Tandas to Bank Loans. Also, Coordinated Actions for Immigrants.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 12 PROGRAM # 7974 12:00 PM PT From Tandas to Bank Loans. A conversation with the winner of a recent “genius grant,” an award given by the MacArthur Foundation to recognize creative work. José Quiñonez created an organization to help unbanked low-income immigrants to establish credit history to be able to get credit […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

“Six Figures and Struggling.” Also, Sessions Confirmation Hearing.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 10 PROGRAM # 7972 12:00 PM PST. “Six Figures and Struggling.” This is a conversation with well-known financial planning expert Louis Barajas about his new book “Six Figures and Struggling.” He says people who earn six figures still live paycheck to paycheck, struggling to make ends meet, feeling frustrated and guilty. How can […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Hunger and Obesity Among Latinos. Also, Latino Youth at High Risk.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20 PROGRAM # 7957 12:00 PM PST. Hunger and Obesity Among Latinos. Latino families in California suffer from higher rates of hunger, obesity, and overweight in part because they are low-income and live in communities with fewer healthy food retailers. An advocate discusses the findings of this research. Guest: Alejandra Gepp, Asociate Director, […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Health |

How Will Cap-And-Trade Money Be Spent.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 PROGRAM # 7944 12:00 PM PT How Will Cap-And-Trade Money Be Spent. California Gov. Brown recently signed in Fresno legislation to help communities most impacted by climate change and air pollution, including this city in the heart of the Central Valley. The issue now is where to spend those monies. The local […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Undocumented Kids Get Health Care. Also, Historic Overtime Pay for Farmworkers.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 PROGRAM # 7878 12:00 PM PST. Undocumented Kids Get Health Care. Four months after undocumented children have been allowed to enroll in California’s Medi-Cal program, nearly 20,000 undocumented children have signed up for the first time to receive low-cost or free health insurance under this state version of Medicaid. Tens of thousands […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |