Tag Archives: Desarrollo Económico

Trade War and Farmers Bailout.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 PROGRAM # 8394 12:00 PM PT Trade War and Farmers Bailout. President Trump threatened billions of dollars in more tariffs against nearly all imports from China and some close allies. China, Canada, the European Union, Mexico and other countries responded in kind with retaliatory tariffs against US products. Observers expect this trade […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Latinos Hardest Hit by Air Pollution. Also, Finding Climate Money. Also, Foreclosure Relief for Disaster Areas.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 PROGRAM # 8275 12:00 PM PT Latinos Hardest Hit by Air Pollution. Communities of color in the US are hit the most with hazardous air pollution, facing a higher risk of asthma, heart attacks and other diseases. EPA scientists reached this conclusion after studying refineries, factories, and other high-emission sources. A leading […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

Plan Turns State Taxes Into Donations. Also, Dow Fall and Pension Plans.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 PROGRAM # 8265 12:00 PM PT Plan Turns State Taxes Into Donations. The leader of the California senate is proposing to allow California’s taxpayers to continue deducting state and local taxes by making them charitable donations to a fund for schools, colleges and parks. The bill is intended to help relieve the […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Coping with Tax Hikes. Also, Permits for Immigrant Workers. Also, Officer Cleared in Killing of Unarmed Elder.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5 PROGRAM # 8258 12:00 PM PT Coping with Tax Hikes. The California state senate passed a bill to protect state taxpayers from federal tax hikes, after Trump limited state and local tax deductions, in a direct hit to Democrat-led states. To offset the blow to the federal deduction, lawmakers propose to allow […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Texas Latino Voters. Also, California Paid Family Leave.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1 PROGRAM # 8256 12:00 PM PT Texas Latino Voters. Trump’s now defunct voter fraud commission wanted to buy Texas election data flagging Hispanic last names. Also, Lupe Valdez, the sheriff of Dallas County, is campaigning to make history as the first Latina woman to be governor of Texas. And can the battle […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Citizenship Question Threatens Census. Also, Farmworkers: Top Issues.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3 PROGRAM # 8235 12:00 PM PT Citizenship Question Threatens Census. The Justice Department push to include a question on citizenship and immigration status in the 2020 Census form will be a disaster, will discourage participation from immigrants, threatens the integrity of the count, and it’s guided by political or ideological motives. That’s […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Republican Tax Plan.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 4 PROGRAM # 8213 12:00 PM PST. Republican Tax Plan. Senate Republicans passed via fast track a controversial tax bill that would bring massive tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, and historic spending cuts to popular social programs like Medicare and Medicaid. A lingering issue among conservative lawmakers is the trillion-dollar hole […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

California Wildfire Recovery.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30 PROGRAM # 8211 12:00 PM PT California Wildfire Recovery. Thousands of refugees in Northern California survived the wildfires and now are facing new challenges. Rising housing costs are reaching new levels, with rents soaring and many renters being evicted. Meanwhile, cleaning crews are working around the clock in the massive cleaning of […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

NAFTA Talks End.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 24 PROGRAM # 8139 12:00 PM PT NAFTA Talks End. Negotiators from Canada, Mexico and the US ended their first round of trade meetings. The US team has said its top goal is to cut the 64-billion trade deficit with Mexico. What NAFTA talks mean for workers, farmers, business and consumers? Also, President […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Kern: Student Expulsions, Sanctuary Fight.

THURSDAY, JULY 27 PROGRAM # 8119 12:00 PM PT Kern: Student Expulsions, Sanctuary Fight. California’s Kern County high schools agreed to settle a discrimination lawsuit which claimed that Latino and Black students are expelled at rates significantly higher than the other students. Advocates discuss this development, and comment on a report showing close ties between […]

Posted in Economy, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |