Tag Archives: Covid19

COVID, La Cumbia de La Vacuna

COVID, La Cumbia de La Vacuna Photo: QiensaveMusic.com Listen to the song, “Covid, cumbia de la vacuna” Lyrics by: Delia Saldivar Music by: Flaco El Jandro / ¿Qiensave? Production: Radio Bilingüe with funds and support from the National Center for Farmworker Health “COVID, La Cumbia de La Vacuna”, Salinas Valley artists interpret a cumbia song […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Mental Health Resources and Covid19

  Don’t let the current situation of Covid 19 get the best of your emotional health. Seek for resources in your community that can help you cope with it. Guests: Norma Ahedo, Health Promoters Coordinator, Marta Ortega and Alma Garcia, Health Promoters at Center for Community Advocacy (CCA)

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Emergency Assistance Programs for Small Businesses

Resources to support are available to help the recovery of small businesses through various loans and grants. Guest:  Carmen Herrera, Executive Director at El Pajaro Community Development Coorporation

Posted in Comunidad Alerta, Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Families First Coronavirus Respose Act

 Families First Coronavirus Respose Act, temporary rule for employment paid leave allowing employees to be kept on payroll for emergency reasons during this pandemic. Guest: Veronica Melendez, Directing Litigation Attorney at California Legal Rural Assistance Foundation

Posted in Comunidad Alerta, Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Ask the Doctor about Corona Virus

Youth speak with Dr. Oscar Gantes about the effects of the corona virus in their life, their education, sports, work, and future and how they can help keep safe. Guests: Dr. Oscar Gantes from the Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital and Norma Ahedo, Promoters Coordinator from the Center of Community Advocacy  

Posted in Youth Focused |

Chronic Pain

Sheltering in place limits certain activities that can help with chronic pain. In this talk show our guests provide ideas to manage our chronic pain. Guests: Dr. Miguel Tirado, Dr. Anee Irvine at Navidad Medical Center in the City of Salinas, CA and Norma Ahedo, Promoter’s Coordinator y Martha Ortega, Promoter at the Center for […]

Posted in Comunidad Alerta, Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

YouthTalk on Coping With Shelter At Home

Youth talk about what to do to deal with their mental health during this time of covid19. Guest: Ana Mora-Heredia, Psychiatric Social Work, Monterey Health Department, Dept. Special Education Hosts: Diana, Roco, Everardo, Jimena, and Jair

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Youth Focused |

Coronavirus Updates

Information on covid-19 is rapidly changing, but having knowledge on how to prepare can reduce stress to act calmly. Guests: Dr. Josh Deutsh, Natividad Medical Hospital and Norma Ahedo, Promoters Coordinator, Center for Community Advocacy

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Dealing with Anxiety during Coronavirus

During this challenging time of coronavius-Covid19 and with the shelter-in-home order in placed it can have an effect on our mental health. The social distancing, the constant changes on the information we received, and the worried to care for our health and that of our loved ones can affect our mental health. Guests: Yessica Rodriguez, […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Taking care of your mental health and Coping with Stress in times of Corona Virus.

Dealing with with the current situation of the coronavirus for some is creating fear, affecting mental illnesses, while shelter-in-place. Guests: Doctor Lupe Arreola- Natividad Medical Center, Doctor Marc Tunzi, Assistant Director Family Practice Residency, Natividad Medical Center, and Norma Ahedo- Promoters Coordinator, Center for Community Advocacy

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |