Noticiero Latino

Noticiero Latino is the first—and only—national Spanish news program in public broadcasting.  Produced by Radio Bilingüe since 1985, each weekday Noticiero Latino broadcasts a five-minute newscast of reports filed by seasoned Latino producers and reporters based around the nation.  The service brings Latino events and concerns to the headlines, from the largest Latino metropolises to small town Spanish-speaking U.S.A.  Noticiero Latino’s coverage of immigration, politics and elections, the environment, Latino accomplishments, civil rights, education, health, and more has been recognized with numerous honors, including the 2010 Best Radio Story Journalism Award of the California Chicano News Media Association.  Currently carried by 75 stations in the U.S. and 10 in Mexico, Noticiero Latino is available free to stations via satellite, content depot and

José Vasconcelos Radio Education Award to Radio Bilingüe and its News Director

29 November, 2022

This year, the recognition is given to Radio Bilingüe for “the invaluable work it does as the leading Latino public radio network and producer of content in Spanish for the public broadcasting system in the United States” and for “representing those who dream and work for democratic media that’s at the service of the people and particularly the migrant population.”


Extra Edition: Visible at Last. Invisible Community. California Recall Election.

31 August, 2021

TUESDAY, AUGUST 31 PROGRAM # 9364 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: Visible at Last. The 2020 US Census gave indigenous communities and multiracial people in California's Central...


The Census: Excluding the Undocumented?

30 November, 2020

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30 PROGRAM # 9102 12:00 PM PST The Census: Excluding the Undocumented? The US Supreme Court considers today an appeal from the Trump administration that...


Extra Edition: Covid Protections. Also, Census Count Ending.

14 October, 2020

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 PROGRAM #9041 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Covid Protections. The Cal/OSHA Standards Board voted for faster and stronger rules to protect workers in all...


Extra Edition: AIDS Crisis. Also, Early Voting and Census Count.

7 October, 2020

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 PROGRAM #9031 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: AIDS Crisis. Latino communities are experiencing a growing health crisis as the number of HIV diagnoses among...


Meet the Reporters

Radio Bilingüe Reporters

Ruben Tapia from Los Angeles, CA


Monday to Friday at 10 am, 11 am, 12:00 Noon, 1 pm (as part of the Línea Abierta talk show), 2 pm, 3 pm, 7 pm, and 8 pm PT.

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