(Español) El sistema carcelario de sentencias mínimas obligatorias termina encarcelando a todos

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Living with Air Pollution. Renewing Truck Fleet in California. High Office on Environmental Justice.

24 April, 2023

MONDAY, APRIL 24 PROGRAM # 9984 12:00 PM PT Living with Air Pollution. A quarter of people in the US live with polluted air, with people of...


Linea Abierta Programming: WEEK OF APRIL 24, 2023

21 April, 2023

Línea Abierta is the first — and only — national live talk and call-in program in public broadcasting interconnecting Spanish-speaking audiences and newsmakers throughout the United States and Mexico.

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

21 April, 2023

*Democrats and Republicans Present Immigration Plans—How Realistic Are They?
*On Earth Day, Latinos Express Concern Over Climate Crisis
*ESL Students Excel at Rural California School –


ESL Students Excel at Rural California School – 

21 April, 2023

A California elementary school is drawing attention because more than half of its English as a Second Language learners read and write well by the time they reach the third grade. That’s four times higher than the rate for English language learners in the rest of the state.


Mexico Edition.

21 April, 2023

FRIDAY, APRIL 21 PROGRAM # 9983 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. Mexican prosecutors investigate the head of Mexico’s immigration agency over a fire that killed 40 migrants....


On Earth Day, Latinos Express Concern Over Climate Crisis

21 April, 2023

This Earth Day, environmental leaders continue to speak out more loudly about the dangers of global warming, which is causing more frequent and extreme natural disasters. Latinos, who are among the most affected.


Democrats and Republicans Present Immigration Plans How Realistic Are They?

21 April, 2023

More than a decade after the last attempt at bipartisan immigration reform, this week Republicans and Democrats introduced two separate proposals. In the House, two Republican lawmakers recycled former President Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy, while an influential Democratic senator proposed a presidential executive order


(Español) Noticiero Latino – Colorado: Discuten dos propuestas de ley para proteger a inquilinos contra desalojos

21 April, 2023

(Español) La comunidad latina en Colorado está afectada por la subida constante del alquiler y por desalojos sin justificación. Por eso dos ordenanzas, ahora...


Earth Day and Climate Action. Also, New Mexico One Year of the Fire.

20 April, 2023

THURSDAY, APRIL 20 PROGRAM # 9982 12:00 PM PT Earth Day and Climate Action. As people around the world prepare to celebrate Earth Day, a leading environmentalist...



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