Search Results for: trabajadores agricolas

Calls for Congress to Legalize Essential Workers Before Break

Under intense pressure to act before the House of Representatives gets a Republican majority in January, Democratic legislators and activists are mobilizing to pass a bill in December that would provide relief to Dreamers, TPS beneficiaries, and farm workers.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

(Español) En señal de Acción de Gracias piden ‘tarjetas verdes’ para trabajadores del campo

On Thanksgiving, Many Urge Green Cards for Farmworkers – On the eve of Thanksgiving, a contingent of farmworkers from California, Oregon, Texas, and other states traveled to Washington D.C. to demand that lawmakers pass a bill to legalize farmworker residency before the end of the year and before newly elected officials join the House of Representatives.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

Noticiero Latino: Drought in Central Valley puts agricultural jobs at risk

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Extra Edition: A Program Repeat. Lower Medicare Drug Costs. Foreclosures Relief. Farmworker March.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 30 PROGRAM # 9729 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: A Program Repeat. Lower Medicare Drug Costs. A recently approved law allows Medicare to negotiate with manufacturers the prices for some high-cost drugs and limits price increases. How soon will seniors expect to see a reduction in those prices and save money? Guest: Gilberto […]

Posted in Crisis de Desalojos, Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Extra Edition: Lower Medicare Drug Costs. Foreclosures Relief. Farmworker March.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 23 PROGRAM # 9722 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Lower Medicare Drug Costs. A recently approved law allows Medicare to negotiate with manufacturers the prices for some high-cost drugs and limits price increases. How soon will seniors expect to see a reduction in those prices and save money? Guest: Gilberto Cabrera, Spokesperson, Outreach […]

Posted in Crisis de Desalojos, Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Farmworkers March Across California for Voting Rights

Dozens of agricultural workers are beginning a 24-day trek to Sacramento, California’s capital. The miles-long march, which follows in the footsteps of Delano’s historic 1966 pilgrimage to Sacramento, is geared to pressure Gov. Gavin Newsom to sign a bill that would give farmworkers the option of voting by mail in union elections.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Jobs |

Extra Edition: Health Workers Cooperative.

TUESDAY, JUNE 7 PROGRAM # 9645 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Health Workers Cooperative. Health care workers are in short supply and many people are feeling this severe shortage through canceled appointments and overcrowded hospitals. In response, a new organization, announced as the first worker-owned healthcare staffing cooperative, is recruiting and placing health care workers […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Health |

California Workers May Soon Have More Safeguards Against Natural Disasters –

During the recent devastating California wildfires, many workers were reportedly forced to continue working in fields, gardens or homes located within the disaster areas for fear of being fired by their employer.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Inmigrantes, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Proyecto de ley traería alivio pandémico a trabajadores indocumentados

(Español) El proyecto de ley, AB 2847, escrito por el asambleísta demócrata de Coachella, Eduardo García, asignaría 6 mil 900 millones de dólares para crear el Programa Piloto de Trabajadores Excluidos, que brindaría fondos durante dos años a los trabajadores indocumentados que perdieron su empleo por la pandemia o vieron una reducción en sus horas de trabajo.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics, Jobs |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: Ómicron dispara contagios y hospitalizaciones + Coalición de Trabajadores de Immokalee promueven pruebas y vacunación + Cruz Roja ayuda a damnificados de recientes inundaciones

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

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