Search Results for: voto latino

(Español) Acudir a votar en elección especial de California o atenerse a las consecuencias

(Español) Kamala Harris, los senadores demócratas Elizabeth Warren (Mass), Bernie Sanders (Vermont) y hasta el presidente Joe Biden están visitando California para respaldar la gestión de Newsom, desde la pandemia, hasta la protección del derecho al voto y al aborto, a raíz de los recientes sucesos en Texas.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Líderes locales piden a Washington incluir reforma migratoria en plan de gasto social

(Español) “Es inmoral que la espera de regularización para los inmigrantes mexicanos en mi ciudad sea de casi 20 años. El Congreso le debe acción a nuestras comunidades inmigrantes”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth, Politics |

Texas Abortion “Bounty Hunters.” Texas Restrictive Election Bill Challenged. California Recall Election.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 PROGRAM # 9373 12:00 PM PDT Texas Abortion “Bounty Hunters.” Texas banned abortions after six weeks of pregnancy and the U.S. Supreme Court voted to let it stand. The citizen-enforced law bans almost all abortions without exception for pregnancies resulting after incest or rape, making it the most restrictive in the nation. […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Cinco demandas contra la SB1 de Texas, tras ser firmada apenas por Abbott

(Español) Texas y 18 estados republicanos ha dado un vuelco brusco a la derecha este año, promulgando leyes contra el aborto, derechos de personas transgénero, enseñanza sobre el racismo en las escuelas y la votación. La tendencia nacional ha aprobado más de 30 leyes este año que restringen el acceso al voto.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Labor Movement Today.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 PROGRAM # 9370 12:00 PM PDT Labor Movement Today. In this Labor Day edition, a legendary labor pioneer discusses top issues of high interest to Latino workers, including Covid protections in the workplace, programs of childcare, health care and college education in the infrastructure package, a bill in California to extend vote-by-mail […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Jobs |

Student Mired in Loan Debt. California Recall Election. Infrastructure Bill: What’s Next.

MONDAY, AUGUST 30 PROGRAM # 9363 12:00 PM PDT Students Mired in Loan Debt. The U.S. Department of Education will cancel $1.1 billion in student debt for thousands of borrowers. Who qualifies? The Biden administration has now canceled student debt for more than half a million borrowers, and, after extending the freeze on student loans […]

Posted in Education, Elections, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Democrats’ Future at Stake in Budget Debate in Congress

The House of Representatives moved forward this week on a budget resolution that paves the way for a bill that will invest in the largest social spending since the Great Depression. The project will also include funding for immigration reform.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Heated Debate Over Whether to Remove or Ratify California Governor

Despite being a small minority of California’s electorate, Republicans are staging a fierce battle in their bid to oust Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom. California’s recall election is already underway via mail-in ballots and voting ends September 14.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Se agotan los tiempos legislativos mientras unos 55 mil dreamers podrían ser deportados

(Español) “Actualmente las esperanzas están puestas en el plan de gasto social, de 3.5 billones de dólares que los demócratas quieren aprobar sin depender del Partido Republicano mediante el proceso de reconciliación presupuestaria”.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Senate Approves Bipartisan Infrastructure Package

In a resounding victory for President Biden, the Senate approved the infrastructure plan by a large majority with bipartisan support.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics, Latest News |

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