Search Results for: ricardo lara

Fearing Deportation, Parents Worry About Enrolling Undocumented Kids In Medi-Cal

A 2016 California law allowed children without papers to sign up for full Medi-Cal benefits. More than 189,000 children have been covered, but some families now fear renewing coverage or signing up their kids for the first time.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

California Bill Addresses Safety Concerns At Dialysis Clinics

Giraldo Garcia gets dialysis at a DaVita dialysis clinic in Inglewood, Calif., in 2014. Proposed legislation would require dialysis centers to have minimum staffing levels, longer intervals between patients and more frequent state inspections. (Irfan Khan/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Women and AIDS. Also. Republicans’ Bill to Replace ACA; California’s Single Payer.

THURSDAY, MARCH 9 PROGRAM # 8014 12:00 PM PT Women and AIDS. More than 230,000 women and girls are HIV-positive in the US and many are not getting care or don’t have the virus under control. An HIV-positive patient is using her personal experience to help Latinas protect themselves and fight against the stigma of […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Health |

(Español) California recibe propuesta para sistema de salud universal, o de pagador único

(Español) La ley de un sólo pagador ha sido introducida muchas veces en el estado. Pero esta Legislatura se convirtió en la primera en el país en aprobar una ley de pago único en 2006; sólo que fue vetada por el entonces gobernador republicano, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Ahora vuelve bajo el nombre de Ley de California Saludable, y se espera que la apruebe el gobernador Jerry Brown.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Supreme Court hears case of young Mexican killed by border agent.
*”Day without immigrants” sparked new incidents of racial harassment.
*Bill for universal health insurance in California Legislature.

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

(Español) Proponen seguro médico universal en legislatura de California.

(Español) “No vamos a esperar a que Trump decida qué seguro médico va a implementar. Vamos a ponernos a decirle que tenemos un plan que va a cubrir a todos”.

Posted in Weekly Edition, Homepage Feature, Health, Latest News |

Time for Universal Health in California? Also, Tillerson and Kelly in Mexico.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23 PROGRAM # 8004 12:00 PM PT Time for Universal Health in California? Lawmakers in California are introducing a bill to create a single-payer health care system to ensure coverage for every Californian. The imminent repeal in Washington of the Affordable Care Act, action where the state has the most to lose, spurred […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

California Withdraws Bid To Allow Undocumented Immigrants To Buy Unsubsidized Obamacare Plans

Supporters said allowing undocumented immigrants to buy coverage on the exchange would have addressed a problem for many families composed of both legal and non-legal residents.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Se eleva California como Muro contra la Injusticia federal

(Español) La medida del senador de Kevin de León es relevante si se considera que entre el 22% y el 26% del total de los trabajadores indocumentados del país se concentran en California, según un análisis revelado hace unos días por el Centro Anderson de la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles (UCLA).

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) California puede corregir y ahora tratar de revocar el english only

(Español) El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Los Ángeles, el sistema escolar más grande del estado, ya ha comenzado la expansión de los programas bilingües en un esfuerzo por apuntalar su posición de avanzada en la inscripción escolar.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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