Search Results for: Tolerancia cero

(Español) Efeméride del 11 de septiembre de 2001, y a 17 años algunas lecciones históricas

(Español) Y cuando las personas sienten que sus valores tradicionales están siendo amenazados “y que esto contribuye al aumento de la inmigración, se produce un conflicto y se produce el terrorismo”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

(Español) Avanza Trump en su guerra contra los niños inmigrantes presos

(Español) Defensores de los inmigrantes afirman que la actual administración tiene la autoridad para crear regulaciones que reemplacen el Acuerdo Flores, y que los funcionarios ignoran sus protecciones sustantivas, en su voraz intento de deportar inmigrantes.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

TPS Families Tour the Country in Hopes of Avoiding Deportation

Aboard a passenger bus baptized the Freedom Truck, dozens of Central American families who have for decades enjoyed Temporary Protected Status (TPS) are on a 12-week journey to raise awareness about their situation.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Texas Latina Candidate Set to Make History in November

In Texas, state Senator Sylvia Garcia recently resigned from her position because in November, along with former judge Verónica Escobar, she will seek to be the first Latina to represent the conservative state in the House of Representatives.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Opening of Texas Detention Center for Migrant Children Postponed

Just days after it was announced that a new detention center would be opened to house migrant children who have been separated from their parents, local authorities in Houston are raising questions about permits presented by the company Southwest Key.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Immigrant Families Remain Separated after Reunification Deadline

This week marked the end of the deadline given by a federal judge to the Trump administration to reunite immigrant children separated from their parents. Administration officials failed to comply with the order, as hundreds are still awaiting reunification.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Immigrant Families Remain Separated after Reunification Deadline
*Women Shine at Tejano Conjunto Festival

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

(Español) Una de cal por las que van de arena, libera ICE a ecuatoriano indocumentado

(Español) Desde que se supo la noticia de su arresto, la familia del ecuatoriano recibió una enorme efusión de apoyo comunitario y político, encabezado por la organización Se Hace Camino Nueva York, que sirvió como presión para catalizar la orden de liberación del inmigrante ecuatoriano.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, JULY 24 PROGRAM # 8387 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. A federal judge extended indefinitely the 90-day deadline he gave the Trump administration, that ended this week, to justify the termination of DACA or begin accepting new applications and keep protections for current beneficiaries. At the same time, Texas and other Republican states that […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Ordena juez detener temporalmente deportación de familias inmigrantes recién reunificadas

(Español) La abogada Sarah Fabián le habría dicho al juez Sabraw que “necesitaba consultar con sus colegas para asegurarse de que el cese temporal de las deportaciones no afecte de manera adversa las reunificaciones ni provoque una desaceleración”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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