Search Results for: california homeless

Firestorms: The Evacuees. Also, Milk with Dignity. Also, Las Vegas: Racial Undertones.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12 PROGRAM # 8176 12:00 PM PT Firestorms: The Evacuees. More communities are being evacuated as wildfires continue raging in Northern California. Homeless, unemployed and uninsured, working families at evacuation centers face now an uncertain future. A reporter covering the disaster area tells their story. This programa also includes information about resources for […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

From Harvey to Irma.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 PROGRAM # 8151 12:00 PM PST. From Harvey to Irma. Powerful Hurricane Irma hit Florida, leaving a trail of devastation across the state. Many families were left homeless and without power and food, in the aftermath of the storm. A grassroots organizer who helped in preparation and relief efforts comments on the […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

In Deep-Blue State, Millions in Reddish Heartland Are Counting On Medicaid

Among the hardest hit regions would be the Central Valley, the state’s agricultural heartland. In Fresno County, about half the population of 985,000 relies on Medi-Cal, as California’s Medicaid program is known. In adjacent Tulare County, 55 percent of the more than 466,000 residents were enrolled in Medi-Cal.

Posted in Homepage Feature |

Latino and African-American Renters Protest Mass Evictions in L.A.

Los Angeles is one of the cities with the most prohibitive costs of rent in the whole country. In several areas of the city, construction and remodeling of old apartment buildings has caused the displacement of many poor families, many of whom are Latino and African-American, who had lived there for decades.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Child Care’s Broken Promise: Parents Want Solutions

Without stable child care, other challenges – a deteriorating relationship, health problems and rising rent – became that much harder to manage. Within two years, Gonzalez was unemployed and she and her two daughters were homeless.
Angelica Gonzalez, seen in November 2015, lives with her children on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Edicion Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Fleeing Central America
Housing for California Veterans
The Impact of the Latino Vote in November

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast, Latest News |

Edicion Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Probe on Deaths at the hands of Cops
Impending Obamacare Fines.
Parents Take Action on Common Core Standards.

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

Living in the Shadows: For Refugees Who Flee War-Torn Nations, Trauma Often Follows

When Claudine Mukankindi arrived in Pittsburgh in 2001, it was after surviving the Rwandan genocide, enduring countless acts of violence and loss of family. In her time in the U.S., she was diagnosed and treated for a slew of mental illnesses, among them post-traumatic stress disorder. Her last years were marked by hospital stays and court visits. She died of a heart attack in 2012.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Immigration Enforcement Policies Affect Childrens’ Health

Hundreds of thousands of American children are suffering withdrawal, aggression, separation anxiety, and symptoms consistent with PTSD, because of the wave of detentions and deportations of parents. “From a mental health perspective, the only categories we have to speak about this are depression, anxiety, somatic symptoms, ADHD, but I feel that those categories do not truly honor what is happening at a national level,” said Maria Jose Soerens. “In those conditions, to be honest, there is not much we can do as mental health professionals. The source of the stress is completely outside of the family. How can you teach a child to cope with conditions that are completely outside of anyone’s power?”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth, Health |

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