Search Results for: Correos

(Español) Aprueba Nueva York la Ley Luz Verde que da licencias de conducir a inmigrantes indocumentados

(Español) El impacto de la Ley Luz Verde o Green Light Bill incluirá un crecimiento económico significativo, una mejor seguridad de tránsito y mantendrá a las familias trabajadoras unidas”. La Ley Luz Verde entrará en vigencia en los próximos 90 días.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Looking for short term work? The 2020 Census may want you

The Census Bureau has said it expects to hire about a half-million people nationwide to help in its all-important counting of everybody living in the United States. The state of California also is devoting millions of dollars to help ensure that the 2020 Census includes everyone in the state.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

(Español) Industria de medicinas genéricas, el mayor cartel de las drogas en la historia de EE UU

(Español) “Esta conspiración ha causado daños a los estados de todo el país por miles y miles de millones de dólares. Y los llevaremos a corte y los haremos pagar por el dinero que le robaron al pueblo estadunidense”, concluyó el fiscal William Tong.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health, Latest News |

(Español) El derecho a votar para cientos de miles de personas en Arizona está en juego: ACLU

(Español) Arizona no está actualizando simultáneamente, dice la ACLU. Esto significa que miles de votantes deben dar el paso adicional para actualizar su propia dirección de registro de votantes, o arriesgarse a perder el derecho a votar.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Negligencia institucional podría estar envenenado a los niños

(Español) Este viernes un jurado de California encontró responsable a Monsanto en una demanda presentada por Dewayne Johnson, jardinero de una escuela, quien dijo que los herbicidas de la compañía Monsanto, incluido Roundup y otros que contienen glifosato le causaron cáncer.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

Senate Votes to Block Net Neutrality Rollback

With the support of three Republicans and after an intense, months-long campaign, the Senate voted to maintain regulations to protect the free flow of information on the Internet in opposition to the Trump administration’s bid to end net neutrality.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

To Impeach or Not to Impeach. Also, Virginia Election: the Eve.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6 PROGRAM # 8193 12:00 PM PST. To Impeach or Not to Impeach. A new effort to impeach President Trump was launched by Rep. Luis Gutiérrez, who announced he and a group of Democrats will file articles of impeachment before Thanksgiving. An expert in American politics comments on the grounds for impeachment and […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Evitando Trump, pero adoptando las estrategias divisionistas: ¿Funcionará en Virginia?

(Español) A pesar de las divisiones republicanas, el partido del presidente Trump se ha unido en gran medida a la candidatura de Gillespie.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Luis Gutiérrez Announces Attempt to Impeach Trump

Luis Gutiérrez, a Congressman from Chicago, has announced the first coordinated action by Democrats to initiate an attempt to impeach President Trump.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Another Way For Anti-Vaxxers To Skip Shots For Schoolkids: A Doctor’s Note

Many parents who don’t want vaccinations for their children, including some vocal opponents from affluent, well-educated regions of the state, say they are concerned that vaccines are linked to autism, despite overwhelming scientific evidence that this is not the case.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

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