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(Español) ¿Cuántas muertes más hacen falta para legislar a nivel federal sobre las armas?

(Español) “En un momento dado dije que si me costaba la carrera política, que así fuera. Eso no significa nada en comparación con lo que las familias de las víctimas de violencia derivada de las armas padecen cada día”, declaró en su oportunidad el destituido senador de Colorado, John Morse.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

More than 100 Women Arrested at Immigration Reform Protest

Seeing the House of Representatives delaying a vote on immigration reform, proponents begin a last minute effort to pressure the legislators. More than 100 women, among them top immigrant rights leaders and undocumented women, blocked the intersection outside Congress and were arrested. The act of civil disobedience sought to pressure Republicans and call national attention to the situation of millions of families living in the shadows. José López Zamorano has more details from the nation’s capital.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Rape and Sexual Harassment in the Fields

It’s not a secret for anyone that work in the fields is one of the hardest jobs in the country, especially when it is done under extreme heat or cold. But what is often kept a secret about work in the fields is the problem of sexual harassment and assault, which often begins with verbal abuse and can end with rape. Today we offer the first of two features about this topic, from the Center for Investigative Reporting, in collaboration with KQED, San Francisco public radio. In this first installment, Grace Rubenstein investigates the extensiveness of the problem of sexual abuse among farm workers and the obstacles victims face to report it.
This series was reported in collaboration with KQED, the Center for Investigative Reporting, and the UC Berkeley Investigative Reporting Program. For more information on the series, visit the webpage

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Radio Bilingüe and Radio Ambulante Announce Joint Partnership

(Español) Radio Ambulante y Radio Bilingüe unen fuerzas en una novedosa alianza que hará accesibles por primera vez las crónicas de Radio Ambulante al público de Radio Bilingüe en Estados Unidos y México.

Posted in News Releases, Homepage Feature |

Mexico’s Peña Nieto defends reform agenda amidst protests

(Español) Por lo pronto, la Comision de Derechos humanos del Distrito Federal (CDHDF) dio a concoer que analiza y sigue investigando el caso, ya que aun no tiene una postura debido a que debe constatar los abusos de personas que intentaron reventar la manifestación con acciones de provocación

Posted in Mexico, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

(Español) Reforma Migratoria: el líder y el liderazgo

(Español) “Boehner tiene que demostrar liderazgo y apoyar una reforma con una vía a la ciudadanía que no sólo será buena para Ohio sino para el país”, afirmó Isabel Framer, residente y votante de Ohio, de origen ecuatoriano, quien en su labor de intérprete en el sistema judicial ha visto de primera mano la devastación de la separación familiar por las deportaciones.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Organizations Prepare for Fight for Immigration Reform
*Facing Recall Elections for Supporting Gun Control
*”The Children of the Days”

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

Latina Senator in Colorado Faces an Attempted Recall after Supporting State Gun Control Law

The gun control law in the state of Colorado has been described as a “model” for the nation. The law requires criminal background checks for all those that want to buy guns and limits the number of rounds in magazines to 15. The legislation was approved after an armed man killed twelves people and injured another 70 in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. In response, those who support the right to bear arms in the state launched a campaign to recall the Democrats who supported the law. State senator Angela Giron, the first Latina to be elected to the State Senate outside the metropolitan area of Denver, is one of two legislators who face a possible recall in a September 10th election. Our reporter Zaidee Stavely spoke with Senator Giron, who represents District 3 in Pueblo, Colorado.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Acción de los 9 dreamers reaviva el debate sobre la reforma migratoria

(Español) Dos de los nueve habían sido deportados con anterioridad. Otros cuatro habían salido del país voluntariamente hace tiempo. Los tres restantes vivían en Estados Unidos y tomaron en semanas recientes la decisión de salir del país con el expreso fin de apoyar a los demás.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) El clamor porque a la reforma se dé el chance de un voto

(Español) Los defensores de la reforma creen que cuentan con el apoyo de la mayoría de la cámara. Pero John Boehner y los demás líderes se resisten a conceder un voto en el pleno, le están aplicando un candado a toda propuesta de reforma que valga la pena

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

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