Search Results for: Covid-19

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

*Biden’s First Formal Address Met with Praise and Skepticism
*New Law Would Curb Wave of Attacks Against Asian-Americans
*Colorado Passes Law Protecting Immigrants from Threats and Extortion

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

(Español) Horas de Enfermedad Pagadas por COVID/ Rediseño de Distritos Electorales en CA.

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Biden’s First Formal Address Met with Praise and Skepticism

In his first formal address to Congress, in a calm and moderate tone, President Biden advocated for a massive bipartisan public spending plan to benefit the poor and the middle class, criticizing tax cuts for billionaires under the last administration.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

New Law Would Curb Wave of Attacks Against Asian-Americans

United against a wave of racially motivated hate crimes against Asian-Americans during Covid-19, senators from both parties overwhelmingly approved a bill aimed at combating such violence.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Justicia Racial, Politics |

Biden Address to Congress. Hate Crimes Bill. Plans to End White Supremacist Violence.

THURSDAY, APRIL 29 PROGRAM # 9242 12:00 PM PDT Biden Address to Congress. This is a report on President Biden’s address to a joint session of Congress. A news reporter files a report and a political analyst gives perspective to Biden’s proposed “American Families Plan,” which includes universal preschool, free community college and a national […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Ocho de cada 10 muertes en CA durante la pandemia son trabajadores: UC Merced

(Español) La pandemia del coronavirus sólo ha exacerbado los peligros que enfrentan los trabajadores esenciales en trabajos de industrias de empacado y procesamiento de carnes y alimentos, agricultura y manufactura desde antes del Covid-19.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Health, Jobs |

Update on Covid, Oral Health and Stroke.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 PROGRAM # 9240 12:00 PM PDT Update on Covid, Oral Health and Stroke. Latinos continue being the hardest hit by the pandemic and public health officials are ramping up efforts to combat false information and promote trust in science. A public health leader dispels rumors about the Covid-19 vaccine circulating in the […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Aplaza DHS 19 meses fecha de vigencia total del REAL ID

(Español) Como resultado, sólo el 43 por ciento de todas las licencias de conducir y tarjetas de identificación emitidas por el estado cumplen actualmente con el REAL ID, dice el comunicado.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Nuevos datos del Censo señalan potenciales cambios en la representación política

(Español) Las economías en auge en estados como Texas, Nevada, Arizona y Carolina del Norte, “han alejado a los estadunidenses de las pequeñas comunidades en dificultades en estados de clima frío y con altos costos de vida”.

Posted in CENSO 2020, Homepage Feature, Politics |

As COVID canceled quinceañeras, Fresno’s Latino businesses learned how to survive

Now, a year into the pandemic, many Latino businesses have fought to remain open, relying on different sources of income, loyal clientele and personal savings to stay afloat, while others had to adapt by marketing new products, offering delivery services or ramping up their social media presence.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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