Search Results for: Trabajadores de Immokalee

(Español) CIW celebra con marcha y música 20 años de exitosa lucha por Comida Justa

(Español) Respecto a los acuerdos más recientes, con Wallmart… las protecciones existentes en La Florida se extenderán hacia otros estados como Georgia, Carolina del Norte, Maryland, y eventualmente se expandirán también hacia otros cultivos diferentes al tomate, como el chile, el pepino y la fresa.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Fair Food Concert.

MONDAY, MARCH 23. PROGRAM # 7480 12:00 PM PT Fair Food Concert. The Coalition of Immokalee Workers is celebrating their Fair Food movement with a grand parade and concert in St. Petersburg in Florida. Headlined by the award-winning LA-based bands La Santa Cecilia and Ozomatli, the concert celebrates the signing of a historic agreement with […]

Posted in Economy, Youth, Línea Abierta |

Human Trafficking Fighters. Also, Immigration Edition.

The White House gave the Coalition of Immokalee Workers a presidential recognition for “extraordinary efforts” to combat human trafficking. Among those efforts by the CIW, Secretary John Kerry highlighted the pioneering fair food program and the investigations that uncovered farm slavery operations across the southeast. In this program, the honoree discusses the state of modern-day […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta |

Immigration Edition.

In what advocates call a Holiday gift to Dreamers, the US Supreme Court released a ruling that will allow DACA recipients in Arizona to drive. This program also explores the first reports in Colorado of notario fraud related to the executive action. Guests: Carmen Stevens, San Luis Valley Immigrant Resource Center, Alamosa, CO,; Erika […]

Posted in Línea Abierta |

Tomato Workers’ Struggle Hits the Silver Screen

The film is also a call to action, to improve working and living conditions for the immigrant workers around the country who harvest the food at our tables. Our correspondent, Rubén Tapia, was at the premier of Food Chains in Los Angeles and has this story.

Posted in Arts & Culture, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Estrenan “Food Chains” documental sobre los pizcadores de tomate de Immokalee

(Español) Food Chains es dirigida por Sanjai Rawal, y la actriz Eva Longoria es productora ejecutiva. Se estrena la próxima semana en más de 20 ciudades del país en California, Oregon, La Florida, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, Nueva York e Illinois,

Posted in Topics, Noticiero Latino |

Overcoming Abusive Relationships. Also, Wal-Mart Joins Pro-Farmworker Agreement.

A renowned Latina psychologist joins this edition to talk about the need to break the silence and isolation that grips women who are victims of domestic violence. Dr. Ana Nogales, founder and clinical director of Casa de la Familia, a non-profit organization that helps victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, sexual abuse and other crimes, […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Health |

Florida tomato worker organizers receive award

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers, a group of farm workers, has been distinguished with one of the prestigious Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Awards, for its 20 year struggle to improve the living conditions of the workers in the tomato fields of southern Florida. Past recipients of the award include such great figures as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, Jr. The day before the award ceremony, the Coalition took advantage of its trip to New York to hold a protest in downtown Manhattan in front of the offices of the burger chain Wendy’s, the only one of the top five fast food chains in the nation that has not signed on to the Coalition’s Fair Food Agreement. Our correspondent Marco Vinicio González was at the protest and the award ceremony.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Coalition of Immokalee workers received Four Freedoms award

(Español) Con consignas que en medio de la música leían: Wendy’s – Comida Justa, o Respeto, o Dignidad…, para persuadir a los ejecutivos de esta cadena de comida rápida a que se sumen a la campaña nacional de Alimento Justo

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

(Español) Documental Cuenta a Historia de Dos Arizonenses — Madres Objetan Expansión de Vertedero Tóxico — Vuelve Atención a Jóvenes Desparecidos en la Florida.

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Weekly Edition |

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