Search Results for: voto latino

Historic Atlanta Vote Reassures Democrats of Senate Majority

Historic voter turnout in Georgia’s big cities handed the last contested U.S. Senate seat to Democrat Raphael Warnok. Some attribute this narrow Democratic victory in a Republican-dominated state to the sweep of new coalitions among communities of color.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

High Rates of Early Voting in Georgia–Who Benefits?

With less than a week to go before the runoff election in Georgia’s Senate race, the state is again seeing historic levels of enthusiasm among voters. The mobilization has been highest among those 55 and older in Democratic areas, but turnout has been lower for independents and younger voters.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Georgia en crucial batalla por el Senado de la nación

(Español) “La comunidad latina, igual los hombres y las mujeres votaron cincuenta y cinco por ciento a favor del partido demócrata”.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

Election First Results.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9 PROGRAM # 9818 12:00 PM PT Election First Results. The first results of the midterm election are in and now the count and certifying begins. Who will control Congress may not be known for days or weeks, depending on the legal challenges from deniers. Will Republicans deny the results of the election? […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Extremismo y división, factores del fracaso de la llamada ‘ola roja’

(Español) Los latinos siguen favoreciendo a los demócratas sobre los republicanos… la frontera sur no se volvió “roja” y los negacionistas fracasaron nuevamente. Para los republicanos su discurso extremista y antinmigrante tiene limitaciones. Quizá los ayuda con la base MAGA, pero para el resto del país el extremismo y la división son señales de precaución.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

Election Day Eve.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 PROGRAM # 9814 12:00 PM PT Election Day Eve. Control of the US Congress and President Biden’s agenda for the next two years, as well as dozens of governorships, are at stake. Amid threats of violence and incidents of voter intimidation, almost 40 million votes were cast nationwide up to this weekend. […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

*Political Path of the U.S. Hangs on Four States
*Spanish-language Misinformation Campaign Aimed at Swing State Voters
*Young Dreamers Drive Latino Electoral Enthusiasm in Arizona

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

Spanish-language Misinformation Campaign Aimed at Swing State Voters

In Georgia, as in other critical states, a dirty war of disinformation has emerged ahead of the mid-term elections. Just days before Election Day, a Spanish-language campaign targeting Latino voters circulated in that southern state with messages full of transphobic myths.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Si encuentra barreras para votar o está confundido sobre cómo hacerlo

(Español) El Departamento de Justicia ha intervenido en el tema de dichos sujetos apostados con armas cerca de las urnas en Arizona, señalando que esta actividad puede no estar protegida constitucionalmente si tiene el potencial de intimidar a los votantes.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Votación anticipada, rompe récord histórico de participación electoral

(Español) Lo que se juega aquí es la democracia y la libertad de escoger o decidir, porque de ganar los que niegan la validez de las elecciones y se afirman en una realidad alternativa o conspirativa, podrían poner fin al sistema político de Estados Unidos como se le conoce hasta ahora.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

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