Search Results for: Carga publica

New Yorkers March for Disappeared Students

This week marks two years since 43 teacher’s college students in Mexico disappeared after being attacked by police. To mark the occasion, in Mexico and in several cities in the United States, protests were organized to demand an in-depth investigation and punishment for those responsible.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Mexico |

(Español) Los inmigrantes no le quitan el trabajo a los estadunidenses: Estudio

(Español) Inmigrantes llegados en años recientes con altas destrezas laborales, especialmente en el ámbito de la ciencia y la tecnología, han tenido un impacto positivo significante en los estadunidenses con destrezas; y además en la clase trabajadora estadunidense. La inmmigración estimuló la innovación, ayudando a crear puestos de trabajo.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Foro en Fresno sobre las lecciones de la historia para el futuro de la agricultura

(Español) Este tramo comienza luego de una larga lucha contra la explotación de los patrones, los paros de labores y la indefensión de los derechos laborales de los campesinos, considerados entonces como “los hombres y las mujeres olvidados por la economía”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Promotion of Deputy that Killed Young Latino Revives Wounds in Santa Rosa, CA

The death of 13-year-old Andy López, shot by a sheriff’s deputy almost three years ago, caused at the time a wave of fury in the Latino community in Sonoma County. Farida Jhabvala Romero broke the story and shares this story with us.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Youth |

(Español) Trump y Peña Nieto: juntos intentan conseguir nueva bocanada de aire

(Español) “… Castigar a las ciudades santuario, endurecer la persecución vía E-Verify y la identificación biométrica, eliminar DACA y poner a los Dreamers en vías de deportación…”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Mexico |

(Español) El fantasma del fraude y las tácticas de intimidación al votante

(Español) “Ahí vas a la urna, te gritan en inglés con voz fuerte si tú eres una persona que puede votar, se intimida uno y mejor no quiere pasar por eso, ‘Mejor no voy’.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Could Arizona’s Latino Voters Decide the Election?

In Arizona, civic campaigns are once again trying to wake up the sleeping giant of the Latino vote. This time, activists say that more than 400,000 voters could participate in the November elections. If so, the Latino vote could be decisive in the presidential election and could help convert this restrictionist stronghold in a competitive swing state.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Edicíon Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Could Arizona’s Latino Voters Decide the Election?
*More Republicans Desert the Trump Campaign
*Heated Debate over Tobacco Tax in California

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

Mobilizing the Millenial Vote

According to data from the Pew Research Center, almost half of the more than 27 million Latinos eligible to vote this November are from the so-called millenial generation. In California, one of every three Latinos is a young adult under 30. If they were to come out to vote in big numbers, they could decide important races.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Yaquis Fight for their River

The traditional authorities of the Yaqui indigenous tribe, in the north of Mexico, say the construction of a mega-aqueduct will leave the Yaqui River dry and their people without their ancestral sustenance. In retaliation for defending his people’s water rights, one prominent Yaqui leader spent a year in prison

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

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