Search Results for: latinos y el censo 2020

Home Visits Begin in Census Count

This week, half a million census workers began knocking on the doors of those who did not answer the questionnaire. The count period has been shortened, and the federal agency now has only six weeks to visit 56 million homes.

Posted in CENSO 2020, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Trump ordena excluir a indocumentados del censo: ¿teatro político?

(Español) “Todo eso se va a ir a las cortes, etcétera, pero mientras que se va a las cortes y ganamos otra vez, va a haber un circo”.

Posted in CENSO 2020, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Remembering El Paso Massacre. Also, Election Update.

THURSDAY, JULY 30 PROGRAM # 8960 11:00 AM PT Remembering El Paso Massacre. On the first anniversary of the massacre in El Paso and the ensuing series of mass raids against Latinos working on poultry plants in Mississippi, community leaders gather in a virtual session to denounce the prevailing rhetoric and policies of White supremacy […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Excluir indocumentados del censo para achicar poder latino a favor del blanco

(Español) Un estraga republicano dijo: “Estas son las cosas que el Presidente o el Partido Republicano puede hacer: aumentar nuestro poder y minimizar el poder de los latinos”: Lulac.

Posted in CENSO 2020, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Desinversión en barrios negros y latinos, política del racismo original que favorece a los blancos

(Español) Esto ha resultado en una pérdida de años de vida, literalmente. Los negros de Chicago tienen más del doble de hospitalizaciones prevenibles que los blancos de Chicago, y mueren casi 10 años antes.

Posted in Historia, Homepage Feature |

Trump’s Order to Exclude Undocumented Immigrants from Census Challenged in Court

President Trump has signed an executive order seeking to exclude undocumented immigrants from the census count, which determines how many seats each state gets in Congress.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: Trump insiste en eliminar a migrantes del Censo 2020+ Regresa indocumentado deportado + Muerte de John Lewis es también una perdida latina.

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: Empuje final del Censo 2020 + reunión AMLO – Trump + ¿Dónde está Vanessa? 

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Imperial Valley Census Activitie

Organizations and agencies in Imperial Valley coordinate activities to encourage the Latino community to answer the 2020 Census questionnaire. Guest: Miguel Hernandez, Communications Coordinator at Comite Civico Del Valle

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Texas has Among Lowest Census Response Rates

Census workers are resuming home visits that had been suspended by the pandemic. A state that will require extra work is Texas, which has some of the country’s lowest response rates.

Posted in CENSO 2020, Homepage Feature |

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