Search Results for: desalojos

(Español) La víspera de pasar el paquete de estímulo, Newsom pospone desalojos

(Español) La administración Trump ha pedido a las agencias de vivienda pública estatales y locales de todo el país que sean ellas las que implementen una moratoria de desalojo.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics, Jobs |

Stimulus Package Deal. Eviction and Foreclosure Relief. Fears of Coronavirus in ICE Detention.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 PROGRAM # 8839 12:00 PM PT Stimulus Package Deal. Senators reached agreement on a relief package to inject 2 trillion into an ailing economy hit by the coronavirus crisis. The stimulus plan, announced as the largest in modern history, includes direct checks to taxpayers, emergency loans to small businesses, a boost to […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

At the Polls, Anger Over Excessive Rents and Evictions

Complaining of lack of support from the municipal government, affected residents and activists from the city of Santa Ana in conservative Orange County have launched a campaign.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Latino and African-American Renters Protest Mass Evictions in L.A.

Los Angeles is one of the cities with the most prohibitive costs of rent in the whole country. In several areas of the city, construction and remodeling of old apartment buildings has caused the displacement of many poor families, many of whom are Latino and African-American, who had lived there for decades.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Menéndez dejará su escaño tras condena por corrupción

This entry is only available in Español.

(Español) Otra vez al Valle Central ‘le llueve sobre mojado’, y se pronostican más lluvias

(Español) Sin embargo, algunos residentes de ese condado dicen que les están negado la ayuda por su situación migratoria, a pesar de que ahí está la ayuda federal para los afectados.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Environment |

Colorado Rental Aid Ending. Also, Student Loan Debt Relief.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26 PROGRAM # 9798 12:00 PM PT Colorado Rental Aid Ending. Thousands of households in Colorado have benefitted from emergency rental assistance since the pandemic began but the funding is running out. Some local programs are already dry and evictions are returning to pre-pandemic levels. Where is money still available for tenants and […]

Posted in Crisis de Desalojos, Economy, Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Extra Edition: Finding Housing After Prison.

TUESDAY, JULY 12 PROGRAM # 9680 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Finding Housing After Prison. People who were previously incarcerated face a number of barriers when trying to find housing: landlord stigma, prior evictions, good paying jobs, loss of income, and more. A new journalistic project looks into the constant threat of homelessness people suffer […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Corte Suprema golpea a mujeres latinas y de color de forma desproporcionada

(Español) “Cuando una mujer no puede obtener un aborto el impacto psicológico obstaculiza la productividad… y también enfrentan costos médicos asociados con la atención prenatal, el parto y la recuperación posparto, además de costos asociados con la crianza de un hijo que superan los 9 mil dólares al año”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Calls to Extend Aid to Families Affected by the Pandemic

In California, a generous program to help with rent and utility bills for all families affected by the pandemic, regardless of their immigration status, ended this week. However, activists claim the program was so bureaucratic that less than half of the applications have been processed and many families were left out.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

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