Search Results for: ciudadania censo

Florida Dragging its Feet Ahead of Census Count

Although an incomplete count in next year’s census would have a negative impact on federal funding and political representation, more than a dozen Republican-led states are failing to allocate resources to ensuring an effective count of their populations.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

(Español) “Si la Administración Trump No Defiende el Censo, ¡Nosotros Sí Lo Haremos!”: Fiscalía de NY

(Español) “Es imperativo que los estados, condados y ciudades de la coalición intervengan y defiendan adecuadamente la política actual que incluye a los inmigrantes indocumentados en el conteo del censo para todos los efectos”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Young People in California Promote the 2020 Census

A few days after the federal government abandoned its bid to include a citizenship question on the census, a group of enthusiastic young people toured one of the poorest areas of Los Angeles to spread the word and expand its network of volunteers.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth |

Citizenship Question, Data. ACA Repeal Attempts. Reducing Police Killings.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 17 PROGRAM # 8652 12:00 PM PT Citizenship Question, Data. President Trump dropped its fight to add a question on citizenship to the 2020 census, and instead he is ordering federal agencies to give information on non-citizens to the Commerce Department. Guest: Maricela Gutiérrez, Executive Director, SIREN (Services, Immigrant Rights & Education Network), […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) El Censo 2020 en la guerra de Trump contra inmigrantes indocumentados y minorías

(Español) La Corte Suprema de la nación envió el caso de la pregunta sobre ciudadanía de vuelta a los tribunales de menor instancia porque el gobierno de Trump no pudo justificar por qué quiere incluirla en el Censo.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Mayors See Census as Game Changer

“In the 1990 census, the San Joaquin Valley had one of the largest undercounts in the country,” Flores said. Among the hard-to-count groups are “complex” families, large families, young mothers with children up to 5 years old and immigrants, he explained.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

(Español) Desacato de Trump a la Suprema, insiste en que la pregunta de ciudadanía va

(Español) La Constitución de EE UU dice en el Artículo I, Sección 2, que “todas las PERSONAS deben ser contadas. Y no que todos los ciudadanos”. La Corte Suprema y el Departamento de Comercio de Trump han hablado… “Es hora de avanzar para asegurar que cada persona se cuente en el país”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Bloquea la Suprema inclusión de pregunta de ciudadanía y se desentiende del Gerrymandering

(Español) El gobierno dijo que la pregunta es necesaria “para cumplir mejor con la ley federal de derechos de voto”. Pero los críticos dicen que “es un intento de intimidar a las familias latinas que disminuye la representación de las minorías”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Battle on the Census. Also, Curbing Police Violence.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19 PROGRAM # 8632 12:00 PM PT Battle on the Census. A House committee is holding two cabinet secretaries in contempt of Congress, as Trump invoked executive privilege in an effort to block revealing key documents on the decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census. Meantime, the Supreme Court is […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Census in Grave Danger, Latino Leaders Warn

To respond to the problem, the leaders recommended to the U.S. Census Bureau, and to Congress, to eliminate the question of citizenship planned for the questionnaire.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Latest News |

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