Search Results for: Kern policia

The Deadliest County in the US.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17. PROGRAM # 7676 12:00 PM PT The Deadliest County in the US. Kern, in rural California, has been dubbed the deadliest county for police killings in the nation. “Police in Kern County have killed more people per capita than in any other US county in 2015,” most of the victims are Latino […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Mixteco Immigrants in California Struggle to Get Social Services in their Language

In Kern County, residents report that when they go to get healthcare, to their children’s schools, or to ask for emergency help, a lot of the time they can’t find an interpreter who speaks the same language.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Immigrants Celebrate Executive Action
Thousands Protes Decision Not to Indict Missouri Policeman
Parents Accuse California School District of Discrimination

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

Parents protest use of new school funds in CA district

But a group of parents in the district and community organizations filed a legal complaint, arguing that the authorities did not consult them, and decided to use the funds for areas that would not specifically help students with the most need. Juan Santiago has the story.

Posted in Special Edition: Public Education, Education, Homepage Feature |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition

Coalition unveils campaign to ‘punish’ Republicans against immigration reform Washington Governor welcomes hundreds at Latino legislative day New film highlights challenges for Dreamers Attorney Sergio Garcia visits San Diego, meets mayoral candidate Alvarez Self defense groups operating in Guerrero state  

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition

Unemployment benefits negotiations stalled in Senate Gov. Brewer dissolves Arizona Child Protection agency Rep. Jackson Lee links immigration reform with economic benefits for Texas Activists push for California wage theft protection bill Mexico army disarms self-defense groups in Michoacan  

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition

White House refutes harsh criticism by ex-Defense Secretary NYC police, firemen arrested after faking sickness post 9/11 Inmates contract hepatitis after nurse’s mistake at Arizona jail Large number of Floridians excluded from Obamacare, says report Authorities activate U.S.-based anonymous reporting system on crimes in Mexico  

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

Rodeado de familiares de víctimas de la violencia, Obama hace un llamado al Congreso

El presidente Obama se reúne en la Casa Blanca con sobrevivientesy familiares de víctimas de la violencia, con activistas y altos mandospoliciales para controlar la proliferaciónde armas de fuego, no olvidar la matanzade 20 niños ocurrida hace poco más de 100 días en una escuela de Connecticut.

Posted in Politics |

Immigration Reform Gathers Momentum

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Immigration, Latest News |

Case in Tres Marías Still Open

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Mexico, Noticiero Latino, Latest News |

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