Search Results for: trabajadores agricolas

(Español) Tanto va el cántaro al agua, hasta que termina rompiéndose: CIW en Nueva York

(Español) Como una serpiente humana la marcha comenzó desde la Park Avenue en Manhattan, pasó frente a Grand Central, y luego regresó al punto de partida.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 PROGRAM # 8731 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. Bipartisan congressmembers unveil at Capitol Hill a new bill, the Farm Work Force Modernization Act, which allows farmworkers to earn legal status if they stay in agriculture and revise the H-2A guest worker program. The bill is the result of an unlikely compromise between […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Latina Women: Health and Finances. Fatal Bullying. California Bans Toxic Pesticide.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 PROGRAM # 8715 12:00 PM PT Latina Women: Health and Finances. Latina women entrepreneurs gather this week in a summit in Berkeley, CA to discuss plans towards developing cooperative businesses that benefit them, their families and their communities. Advancing the idea that women need to “cuddle” their finances, body, mind and spirit, […]

Posted in Economy, Youth, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

(Español) Premio Nacional Rostros de la Discriminación a la serie radiofónica “yo fui bracero”

(Español) El Premio Rostros de la Discriminación, otorgado a Raúl Silva, colaborador de Radio Bilingüe, en su edición número XV sigue reconociendo los trabajos periodísticos sobre la discriminación y aquellos que destaquen la importancia de construir una cultura de la igualdad y de la no discriminación.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Mexico |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 PROGRAM # 8696 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. The leader of a human rights organization in Honduras visits the US to talk about the US and Canadian foreign policies that exacerbate poverty and corruption and fuel the exodus of refugees from Honduras. Also, housing, transportation and wages protections for H2A migrant farmworkers […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Candidatos presidenciales demócratas denuncian racismo ecológico

(Español) “No es coincidencia que los niños negros padezcan más asma que los blancos… algunas comunidades fueron empujadas intencionalmente a barrios cercanos a fuentes contamintes”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Dolores Huerta en Fresno, California, sobre la importancia de ser contado por el censo

(Español) “Hay quienes no quieren que te cuenten… que los recursos no lleguen a tu comunidad. Esos 480 mil millones de dólares de los que estamos hablando, que el gobierno entrega cada año”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

“The Young Hands that Feed Us”

Despite the fact that the United Nations has prohibited child labor, more than half a million children and teens work long and grueling hours in the rich agricultural fields of the United States.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth |

Another Push to Ban Toxic Pesticide. Also, Rating the Fight Against Cancer.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 15 PROGRAM # 8673 12:00 PM PT Another Push to Ban Toxic Pesticide. Health and labor groups are suing the Trump administration after its environmental agency refused to ban a widely used pesticide, linked to permanent brain damage in young children and farmworker poisonings. Last month, the EPA gave the green light to […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

(Español) Resisten en santuario a mega multas hasta de medio millón de dólares y la deportación

(Español) “Porque tenemos el derecho a salir de las sombras… para seguir luchando y demostrar que no le tenemos miedo ni nos vamos a dejar vencer por ninguna estrategia de Trump”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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