Search Results for: Carga publica

Cruelty Reported in Federal Immigration Raid in Nebraska and Minnesota

As part of a large-scale raid, immigration agents have arrested more than 130 immigrant workers and 14 owners and managers of businesses in Nebraska and Minnesota.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Algunos resultados de las primarias del martes

(Español) Otra contienda que resulta llamativa a es la de la candidata demócrata de Vermont, Christine Hallquist, quien podría convertirse en la primer gobernador transgénero de la nación, con un mensaje que incluye el salario mínimo más alto y Medicare para Todos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Disparidades raciales severas en arrestos por mariguana a pesar de su legalización en D.C.

(Español) En 2017, dice la Policía Metropolitana, “el 86 por ciento de los arrestados eran negros, a pesar de que los residentes negros sólo son alrededor del 47% de la población del Distrito de Columbia”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Out-Of-Pocket Costs Put HIV Prevention Drug Out Of Reach For Many At Risk

Beyond these state-based programs, some public health departments and HIV service organizations are hiring PrEP navigators to help patients navigate the maze of copays and deductibles, and to improve recruitment and retention of new PrEP users.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

From Crib To Court: Trump Administration Summons Immigrant Infants

At least 70 infants have been ordered to appear in immigration court after being separated from their parents.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

(Español) Tribunal federal desestima fallo judicial que ordena creación de Comisión de la Verdad en el Caso Iguala

(Español) Familiares de víctimas del caso Iguala y organizaciones que les represen lamentaron profundamente la decisión, que lastima la esperanza de alcanzar justicia y verdad en el caso que había sido recuperado con la valiente sentencia del Primer Tribunal Colegiado.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Mexico |

(Español) Andrés Manuel López Obrador, es el presidente electo de México, y declara la guerra a la corrupción

(Español) “Con López Obrador hay un matiz diferente y se abre la posibilidad de algo distinto… Entonces, yo voy a votar por López Obrador, pero al día siguiente ya estoy en la oposición. !Ya desde ahora estoy en la oposición!

Posted in Homepage Feature, Mexico, Politics |

1 In 5 Immigrant Children Detained During ‘Zero Tolerance’ Border Policy Are Under 13

“It’s significantly challenging to create that capacity, and quite expensive,” noted Robert Carey, a former ORR director from the Obama administration. “All the aspects of care are dramatically different based on age. … You need people who are trained in early childhood development or care.”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Interviews: Alma Garza’s Induction to Hall of Fame and More

Listen to the ceremony inducting Alma Garza into the Conjunto Tejano Hall of Fame, an interview with an outstanding teacher of conjunto in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, and an interview with young artist Veronique Medrano.

Posted in Arts & Culture, Tejano Conjunto Festival - Entrevistas, Homepage Feature, Tejano Conjunto Festival |

California Lawmakers Seek Reparations For People Sterilized By The State

More than 20,000 Californians were sterilized at state homes and hospitals from 1909 to 1979, most of them women, people with disabilities and immigrants. Now, a state lawmaker wants to provide reparations to the roughly 800 living survivors, many of whom never consented to the procedures or did so under pressure.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

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