Search Results for: Covid-19

(Español) Noticiero Latino: A punto de finalizar ayuda por covid para pequeños empresarios + Recta final en mapas electorales de Condado Orange + Sitio USAGov en Español

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

(Español) Una coalición de 24 Fiscales Generales sale en defensa de DACA

(Español) Desde 2012, cuando fue instaurado el programa bajo la administración Obama, DACA ha protegido de la deportación a aproximadamente 825 mil personas que crecieron en este país, y les ha permitido trabajar en Estados Unidos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

Mexico Edition.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19 PROGRAM # 9447 12:00 PM PDT Mexico Edition.  Mexico’s President Lopez Obrador met yesterday in Washington with the US Joe Biden and Canada’s Justin Trudeau to discuss the Covid-19 crisis and healthcare in the region, improving conditions to increase investments in the region, combat the opioid crisis and arms smuggling, and discuss […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

*House Approves Social Infrastructure Plan
*Vaccination of Young Children in Texas Moves Forward, Amid Doubts Among Some Latino Parents
*With New Pandemic Surge, New Mexico Offers Booster Shots for All Adults

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

With New Pandemic Surge, New Mexico Offers Booster Shots for All Adults

Faced with the saturation of hospitals and shortages of hospital beds due to the surge of coronavirus cases in New Mexico, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has made booster shots of COVID-19 vaccines available to everyone over 18 in the state.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Health |

Vaccination of Young Children in Texas Moves Forward, Amid Doubts Among Some Latino Parents

Thousands of children ages 5 to 11 have been vaccinated against COVID-19 in Texas and lines are getting longer at pediatric immunization clinics.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Defensores de derechos humanos piden a Biden acabar con el Título 42

(Español) “El presidente Biden debe comenzar a vivir de acuerdo con los valores que prometió como candidato… y acabar con el Título 42… No es necesario para contener la propagación del covid”.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics, Health |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: ¿Que es la Fobia Social? ¿Cómo la puede identificar? ¿Qué medidas puede tomar para superarla?

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

The First Shots for Children. Also, Dealing with Social Anxiety.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8 PROGRAM # 9434 12:00 PM PDT The First Shots for Children. The first Covid vaccines for children 5 to 11 are here after being recommended by the CDC and after receiving emergency use authorization by the FDA. An expert in public health talks about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine for […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Health |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: Experta nos explica los problemas de salud del Covid 19 prolongado.

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

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