Search Results for: ricardo lara

With Wildfires Looming, Insurers Urged to Update Policies

As more and more wildfires rage across the West, increasing numbers of families who lost their homes are finding out with surprise that their insurance coverage and emergency assistance are not enough to rebuild.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

California and New Mexico Primaries Pave the Way in the Battle for Congress

California, New Mexico and five other states held primary elections this week. Some of these races will prove decisive in the battle for control of Congress this November.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

Extra Edition: Facing a Wildfire Insurance Crisis(Repeat Program.)

TUESDAY, MAY 31 PROGRAM # 9638 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Facing a Wildfire Insurance Crisis(Repeat Program.) As more and more wildfires hit the West, survivors who lost their homes are finding insurance coverage and emergency aid is not enough to rebuild after the wildfire. Because of high insurance premiums, many buy limited coverage. In […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta |

Facing a Wildfire Insurance Crisis.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 25 PROGRAM # 9633 12:00 PM PT Facing a Wildfire Insurance Crisis. As more and harder wildfires hit the West, survivors who lost their homes are finding insurance coverage and emergency aid is not enough to rebuild after the wildfire. Because of high insurance premiums, many buy limited coverage. In this program, wildfire […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Poca información y seguros insuficientes traumatiza víctimas de incendios en el Oeste

(Español) A medida que aumenta la cantidad y la gravedad de los incendios forestales, es posible que millones de propietarios de viviendas en áreas propensas a incendios estén pagando primas demasiado altas por la cobertura de seguros.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Arde Nuevo México con el segundo incendio más grande del estado y el mayor en EE UU

(Español) Se proyecta que 15 mil residencias se verán amenazadas durante las próximas 72 horas en todo el perímetro del incendio, en los condados de Mora y San Miguel, según dijo a la prensa Andy Lyon, oficial de información pública del Equipo de Manejo de Incidentes del Suroeste.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: Proponen en congreso de California pionera ley de alertas de olas de calor extremo, la AB2238

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

California Legislature to Consider Pioneering Heat Advisory System

In California, a group of lawmakers are poised to introduce a pioneering bill that would create a heat advisory system. The warnings would be similar to storm and fire warnings and would classify heat waves by their intensity and their impact on health.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Latinoamérica, Politics, Health, Jobs |

First Ranking Alerts for Heat Waves.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 PROGRAM # 9451 12:00 PM PDT First Ranking Alerts for Heat Waves. As extreme heat waves worsen every year, causing more deaths and injuries than all other extreme weather events, California leaders are taking action to stop this “silent killer”. State leaders are proposing to establish the nation’s first ranking system for […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

(Español) Comisionado de Seguros de CA anuncia 1ra clasificación de olas de calor en EE UU

(Español) “No hay seguro contra el calor. Si actuamos ahora para implementar un sistema de clasificación como el que tenemos para otros desastres, podemos ayudar a prevenir las muertes de este asesino silencioso, especialmente de aquellos en mayor riesgo como nuestros ancianos”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics |

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