Search Results for: h-2B

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Thousands Take to Streets to Call for a Stop to Blocking DAPA
*Advocates Call for California to use Surplus to Combat Poverty
*New Rules Could Offer More Protections for Guest Workers

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

New Rules Could Offer More Protections for Guest Workers

The H-2B visa program, give these transnational workers many guarantees for the first time ever. About 66,000 workers with H-2B visas come to the U.S. ever year to work temporarily in low-paid jobs, including in the gardening and seafood industries, and in carnival operations. Marco Vinicio González prepared this report.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

New Rules for Guest Worker Program.

THURSDAY, MAY 21. PROGRAM # 7526 12:00 PM PT New Rules for Guest Worker Program. The U.S. government published new rules for the H-2B program that offers transnational workers a number of protections for the first time. Up to 66,000 people with H-2B visas travel to the United States each year to perform non-agricultural, low-wage […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta |

(Español) Centro de los Derechos del Migrante (CDM) recibe el premio “Mujeres de Visión”

(Español) Y es que durante casi una década, el CDM ha trabajado para eliminar la frontera México-EE.UU. como un obstáculo para el acceso a la justicia de las y los trabajadores migrantes a través de servicios legales, alcance a comunidades, educación y desarrollo de liderazgo e incidencia política.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Baltimore Riots, Curfew. Also, New Rules for Guest Workers.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29. PROGRAM # 7510 12:00 PM PT Baltimore Riots, Curfew. Baltimore exploded into violent riots following the funeral for Freddie Gray, a young African American who died of a spinal cord injury while in police custody. A curfew has been imposed and thousands of police and National Guard troops patrol the streets. A […]

Posted in Economy, Youth, Línea Abierta |

(Español) Impulsan medidas contra abusos laborales a trabajadores con visas H-2 (segunda)

(Español) El CDM está empujando para que se emitan esas reglas contra el cobro de reclutamiento, y se prevean también medias en contra de las represalias. “Nosotros sabemos que existen ya reglas escritas que tienen algunas de esas protecciones, y estamos presionando a los gobiernos” para que las apliquen.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Guest Workers Win Trafficking Case.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25. PROGRAM # 7482 12:00 PM PT Guest Workers Win Trafficking Case. A federal jury awarded more than 14 million to five Indian guest workers who claimed they were defrauded and subjected to labor trafficking, racketeering and false imprisonment by a Gulf Coast company. More than 200 other worker claims are pending, in […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta |

Guest Workers and Health Care Law.

The rights and responsibilities of migrants who work in the United States with temporary H-2A and H-2B visas under the Affordable Care Act have been largely absent from the national discussion, despite the fact that they often work in some of the US’ highest-risk environments. A farmworker health advocate and an ACA enrollment specialist answer […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Health |

(Español) La acción ejecutiva de Obama: Pasos a favor de los derechos laborales

(Español) La acción ejecutiva del Presidente Obama no es suficiente para eliminar los abusos que sufren las y los trabajadores migrantes en los EEUU y que afectan a todas y todos los trabajadores en este país. Sin embargo, incluye pasos importantes hacia un sistema más justo que ofrece dignidad a todas y todos los trabajadores.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Dying to Work.

Latinos are more likely than other workers in the US to die on the job. Most die from work-related injuries in high-risk industries, such as construction and agriculture. Why is this happening? What are the most common causes of death on the job for Latinos? Is immigration status an issue? What’s being done to prevent […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Health |

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