Search Results for: David Hayes Bautista ucla

Latino Workers, Small Business: The Hardest Hit.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 PROGRAM # 8869 12:00 PM PT Latino Workers, Small Business: The Hardest Hit. Latinos are the hardest hit by job losses and pay cuts due to coronavirus. At the same time, those who continue working in essential jobs are most exposed to coronavirus and yet are twice as likely to be uninsured […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Línea Abierta, Health |

The Census and the Questions on Race.

MONDAY, JANUARY 21 PROGRAM # 8525 12:00 PM PT The Census and the Questions on Race. On Martin Luther King Holiday, a renowned social scientist examines the history of Hispanic/Latino identity and the concept of race in the Census questionnaire. He also comments on the current census debate about continuing with the current format, separating […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

“La Nueva California.”

THURSDAY, JULY 12 PROGRAM # 8379 12:00 PM PT “La Nueva California.” Contrary to inflammatory rhetoric from Washington about the threat of Mexican “bad hombres,” Latinos work more than any other group, use welfare less, have stronger families, set up business faster than others and those who speak English and Spanish live longer. All this […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) “Respalda Casa Blanca acciones xenofobas anti latinas”: The New York Times

(Español) La población de origen latino alcanzó este año (2017) en Estados Unidos la friolera cantidad de 56.6 millones de habitantes, “la cifra más alta registrada hasta la fecha”, dice la fuente, cuya tasa de crecimiento es “¡20 veces superior! a la de la raza blanca”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Latinos en EEUU, séptima potencia económico en el mundo

(Español) Cada año, 500 mil anglosajones se jubilan de la fuerza laboral y ya no producen. Y cada año un millón de jóvenes latinos nacidos en EU entra a la fuerza laboral

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Latino Economic Power.

THURSDAY, JULY 20 PROGRAM # 8114 12:00 PM PT Latino Economic Power. A first of its kind study concludes that if the Latino GDP were a country, it would be the seventh largest in the world, larger than India, and ahead of Italy and Brazil. And it’s one of the most dynamic economies: the Latino […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*The LA Riots: 25 Years Later
*Latinos, Hardest Hit by the LA Riots
*Police Brutality and Reform: 25 Years Later

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

(Español) Los Ángeles, ciudad en llamas: La Revuelta

(Español) Hoy la historia vuelve sin embargo por sus fueros, y bajo la actual administración de Donald Trump los inmigrantes vuelven estar en el ojo del huracán; a ser los nuevos ‘chivos expiatorios’, las nuevas víctimas del racismo y la xenofobia.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

The LA Riots: A City in Flames.

MONDAY, APRIL 24 PROGRAM # 8048 12:00 PM PST. The LA Riots: A City in Flames. April 29 marks 25 years since mass violence erupted in South Central Los Angeles following the acquittal of four officers involved in the brutal beating of African American motorist Rodney King. The five-day civil uprising is considered the deadliest […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Chicano Park at 45. Also, Cinco de Mayo: A California Tradition.

MONDAY, MAY 4. PROGRAM # 7513 12:00 PM PT Chicano Park at 45. The Barrio Logan community in San Diego, CA, is celebrating 45 years of the historic Chicano Park, which has received international recognition as the site with the largest collection of Chicano mural paintings in the world. Chicano Park was created after a […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Línea Abierta |

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