Search Results for: incendios

How Do We Exit The Shutdown? Hire An Army Of Public Health Workers

When COVID-19 arrived, identifying and tracking everyone with the virus was all but impossible for local health departments because of flawed tests and narrow guidelines for who should get tested. Compounding the problem was a beleaguered public health infrastructure.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Millón y medio de estudiantes sin hogar, una amenaza a su salud mental y cognitiva

(Español) Pero las cifras anuales del referido informe probablemente subestiman el problema, porque “no incluyen a estudiantes de escuelas privadas… Una auditoría realizada por California en noviembre descubrió que los distritos de las escuelas públicas no contaban significativamente el número de estudiantes sin hogar”.

Posted in Economy, Education, Homepage Feature |

Homeless Californians Adapt To Camp Sweeps And ‘The Caltrans Shuffle’

In November 2018, when he was camping by an Ikea in nearby Emeryville, the California Highway Patrol and Caltrans showed up unannounced. He was out buying a tent when they arrived, and the crew designated his belongings as garbage. His fellow campers protested and grabbed what they could. Ciha returned and asked for time to gather his things, but said they were thrown into a compactor.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Los niños, en el centro de la crisis climática: COP25

(Español) “Entiendo la desesperación y la rabia que siente tanta gente joven. Necesitamos implementar el principio de equidad intergeneracional que establece el acuerdo de París”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Youth, Environment |

Farmworkers Face Wendy’s and Wall Street. Public Takeover of PG&E? Another School Shooting.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18 PROGRAM # 8740 12:00 PM PT Farmworkers Face Wendy’s and Wall Street. Farmworkers from Florida and supporters protest at the New York offices of the largest shareholder of Wendy’s, urging the fast-food chain to sign up to a fair food agreement to help eradicate forced labor and sexual abuse in the fields. […]

Posted in Economy, Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Congress Votes to Formalize Impeachment Process Against Trump
*Amid Wildfires in California, Sounding the Alarm in Spanish
*Volunteers Mobilize for Complete Census Count in Hard-to-Count Areas
*A Tale of Mexican Immigrants Blurring the Border

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

Amid Wildfires in California, Sounding the Alarm in Spanish

After a week of battling the massive Kincade wildfire in northern California, which has consumed 80,000 acres, firefighters finally got the blaze under control.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Gobernador declara zona de desastre en California, hay apagones para millones de usuarios

(Español) El domingo cientos de miles eran evacuados, unos 2 millones de personas se quedaban sin luz, con otra fase de apagones provista para los condados de Fresno y Madera, a fin de evitar nuevos incendios por los vientos huracanados.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Nuevamente el norte de California es abrasado por el fuego. Hay órdenes de evacuación

(Español) Hasta esta mañana la orden de evacuación estaba dirigida a toda el área de Red Winery Road y de Alexander Mountain Road; desde Geysers Road hasta los caminos de River Road, incluido River Rock Casino en Geyserville.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Los tiempos cambian, y Columbus Day cede lugar al Día de los Indígenas Americanos

(Español) El movimiento para reemplazar el Día de Colón con el Día de los Pueblos Indígenas o el Día de los Nativos Americanos (Día de la Raza en el Continente Americano), ha cobrado impulso y se ha extendido a los estados, ciudades y pueblos de Estados Unidos.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Environment |

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