Search Results for: voto latino

Latinos in Congress.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13 PROGRAM # 8498 12:00 PM PT Latinos in Congress. Overcoming serious obstacles, Latinos increased their numbers in the US Congress to more than forty after the midterm election. This was due in part thanks to the large and unusual voter turnout in areas of high Latino population. Opinion polls show that most […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

With the help of Latino votes and activism, democrats won many key posts in Colorado in the midterm elections, gaining a majority in both chambers of that state’s General Assembly in addition to a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. One key player in this victory is a young man who came to the United States with his family fleeing violence in their native Mexico. Thanks to the DACA program, he gained residence and was able to carry out a successful Latino voter mobilization campaign. Lucia Orozco brings us his inspiring story. This entry is available only in Español

With the help of Latino votes and activism, democrats won many key posts in Colorado in the midterm elections, gaining a majority in both chambers of that state’s General Assembly in addition to a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth |

(Español) Movilización de electores restaura derecho a voto a millón y medio de expresos en Florida

(Español) “Fue una combinación de sentimientos de agradecimiento, de optimismo, de alegría, de futuro, de visión, de mejoras, ¡y luz al final del camino!”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Criminal Justice |

Immigrant Tragedy Drives Young People to Vote

More than seven months ago, a farmworker couple was killed when their car flipped over after they were chased by immigration agents on patrol in California’s Central Valley. The tragedy caused a wave of public condemnation.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Latinos on the Front Lines of Political Shift in the United States

The midterm elections last week saw a remarkable political turnaround, with Republican loss of control over the House of Representatives a significant setback for Trump. Latino voters and candidates played a key role in this outcome.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

New Sheriff in Town?. Facing a Birther Challenge. Florida’s Vote Count.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 PROGRAM # 8477 12:00 PM PT New Sheriff in Town? In what may be a historic upset, Lt. Alex Villanueva is narrowly leading Los Angeles County Sheriff Jim McDonnell in the vote count. If elected, Villanueva, a reformer and opponent of local collaboration with ICE, would be the first to unseat an […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Parte una figura germinal de la lucha política de los latinos en EEUU, con la muerte de Antonio González

(Español) Radio Bilingüe envía su más sentido pésame a la esposa Antonio González, Alma, y a sus dos hijas, Sara e Ysabel.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

We present a summary of this and other headlines from the 2018 mid-term elections

In California, Democrats swept the Republican Party in races ranging from the governorship and the state legislature to the U.S. Congress.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) A pocas horas de la elección más importante de nuestro tiempo, qué piensan los latinos

(Español) Las altas tasas de participación política también son impulsadas por fuerzas sociales internas como amigos, familiares y la comunidad latina en general. Lejos de ser pasivos ante los ataques políticos implacables, los latinos están ansiosos por responder a esos ataques en noviembre.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) En Texas el voto por adelantado supera al voto total de pasada elección intermedia

(Español) Un estudio del grupo cívico Jolt reveló que el cuidado médico universal, la protección para los inmigrantes y la equidad racial son muy importantes para los votantes latinos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

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