Search Results for: Covid-19

Extra Edition: Children Orphaned by Covid.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3 PROGRAM # 9522 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Children Orphaned During Pandemic. Millions of children are being left orphaned after one or both parents died of Covid-19. Some call this a hidden and global pandemic within the pandemic. What are the new challenges facing these families? How are they coping with the […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: NOAA Weather Radio + OMS – no bajemos la guardia ante la pandemia + Concejos de Cruz Roja Americana para automovilistas varados en tormenta invernal + California ofrece Golden State Stimulus

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: FDA aprueba Spikevax  + Vacuna intranasal y Super vacuna para superar la pandemia, esperanza de científicos  

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

(Español) Preparándose para futuros “incendios climáticos”, diseñan mapa en Colorado

In Colorado, Designing a Map to Prepare for Future “Climate Wildfires” – Nearly a month after the Marshall Fire ravaged three suburban Denver towns, and to help prepare for future climate-driven wildfires, state officials are developing a pioneering virtual environmental mapping project.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Extra Edition: Historic Overtime Pay for Farmworkers. Also, Reaching Out to the Unvaccinated.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 27 PROGRAM # 9515 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Historic Overtime Pay for Farmworkers. California farmworkers have now the right to get the same overtime pay that most other workers have. The new law, first of its kind in the nation, began taking full effect on January 1st for most businesses and farms. A […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Farmacias rechazan pacientes inmunocomprometidos en buscan la 4ta vacuna anti covid

(Español) “Es ridículo”, dijo el Dr. Dorry Segev, cirujano de trasplantes e investigador de la Universidad Johns Hopkins. “Los CDC dejan muy claro qué está permitido, e incluso las personas que imprimen la guía de los CDC y la llevan a sus farmacias son rechazadas”.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Featur, Politics, Health |

(Español) Nueva York anuncia históricas protecciones para los repartidores de comida

(Español) La ley exige a los restaurantes permitir a los trabajadores acceso a los baños del establecimiento, porque muchos les impiden el acceso al baño bajo el pretexto de ejercer medidas sanitarias que protegen a los clientes, pero no les importa cuando los trabajadores entran en contacto con los clientes al hacer el reparto.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Homepage Featur, Immigration, Jobs |

Historic Funding Proposed in California for Small Business and Health Coverage for Immigrants

Backed by a multimillion dollar surplus in California’s coffers, Governor Gavin Newsom included in his budget for the next fiscal year historic funding that offers universal health insurance and loans for small businesses launched by immigrants, among other investments aimed at immigrant families.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Homepage Featur, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

Combating Omicron Surge.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 20 PROGRAM # 9509 12:00 PM PT Combating Omicron Surge. As fast-spreading Omicron becomes the dominant Covid variant, US hospitalizations largely among unvaccinated people break record numbers. In California, as authorities prepare for the endemic phase of Covid, public health leaders urge Californians to get booster doses and use effective face masks to […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Health |

(Español) Colorado brinda útil ayuda y traducción para afectados por el Incendio Marshall

(Español) La comunidad del Condado de Boulder impactada por el Incendio Marshall, puede visitar el Centro de Asistencia de Catástrofes para acceder a diversos servicios, incluyendo pérdida de propiedad y presentación de reclamos, asistencia financiera y alimentaria, apoyo de salud mental, traducción, transporte y más.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Featur, Environment |

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