Search Results for: voto latino

Voting By Mail Debate Heats Up

Amid attempts by Republicans and the White House to limit universal voting by mail, political and civic organizations have begun a national campaign to promote the absentee ballot.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Elections, Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: Aumentan contagios en Arizona + Caos y confusión en primarias de Nevada, Virginia y Georgia + Proponen ley para prevenir tsunami de desalojos en California + Falleció Pau Donés, vocalista de Jarabe de Palo.

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Noticiero Latino, Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

(Español) Nevada, Virginia y Georgia “reivindican” la tradición republicana de supresión del voto

(Español) Las boletas por correo con sello postal del día de las elecciones si se reciben en el lapso de una semana, contarán. Un aumento tardío de boletas haría tambalear unas elecciones cerradas.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Elections, Homepage Feature |

(Español) California aprueba voto por correo en la pandemia ante fiera oposición republicana

(Español) Padilla analizó cómo está afectando la pandemia, de distintas maneras la forma de votar de los ciudadanos en noviembre.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Alex Padilla on Voting and Census. The Hardest Hit: Latinos and Blacks. Dolores Huerta on George Floyd and the Mass Protests.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 PROGRAM # 8904 12:00 PM PT Alex Padilla on Voting and Census. California will be mailing absentee ballots to allow all voters to vote by mail to ensure safe voting during the Covid pandemic. California Secretary of State Alex Padilla talks about this plan and responds to Republican allegations about the risk […]

Posted in CENSO 2020, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) California podría revisar el gerrymandering con una comisión que incluya a más latinos

(Español) “No podemos comenzar a corregir errores históricos sin incluir adecuadamente a los latinos. Asegurar una representación justa en la comisión de redistribución de distritos es un primer paso necesario para abordar la larga historia de dilución de votos y gerrymandering discriminatorio de nuestra nación y estado”.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

With Strong Turnout, Latinos Hand Bernie Sanders a Victory in California

In California, the enthusiastic voter turnout seen among Latinos, and especially young people under 30, gave Senator Bernie Sanders a wide margin of victory on Tuesday in the race for the Democratic presidential candidacy.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

Super Tuesday: The Vote.

TUESDAY, MARCH 3 PROGRAM # 8819 12:00 PM PT Super Tuesday: The Vote. Today, presidential candidates stage a key battle for states with the largest Latino population such as California, Texas, and Colorado, and other delegate-heavy states. As millions have already voted early, millions more go to the polls. Reporters give a news account on […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) El Súper Martes y el voto latinx. Algunos rasgos de este elector

(Español) En 2020, 32 millones de latinos serán elegibles para votar… desde 2016 los partidos políticos han comenzado a invertir en esta población, aunque tímidamente todavía.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Latino Voters Choose Winner in Nevada and Aim for Super Tuesday

Just a few days ahead of Super Tuesday, Sanders and Elizabeth Warren also lead the polls in California, the top prize in the battle for delegates.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

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