Search Results for: policia de sacramento

(Español) California alcanzaría un estándar legal más estricto en el uso de fuerza letal de la policía

(Español) El presidente de la Asociación de Jefes de Policía de California, Ron Lawrence dijo en un comunicado que “la AB 392 ahora refleja las experiencias compartidas, las perspectivas y la experiencia de todos en la mesa, desde las familias y las comunidades hasta los oficiales que han jurado servirles y protegerlos”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Criminal Justice |

When Should Cops Shoot?

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 PROGRAM # 8572 12:00 PM PT When Should Cops Shoot? The high-profile shooting by police of a number of unarmed Black or Latino men, has prompted state legislators in California to propose changes to the policies involving police use of deadly force. Calling this a matter of life or death, civil liberties […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

ICE-friendly Policies. A String of Jail Deaths. Why Does This Sheriff Keep Getting Elected?

Advocates say Alameda County Sheriff Greg Ahern is an odd fit for the Bay Area, but mounting a challenge has proved daunting.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Criminal Justice |

Use Of Psychiatric Drugs Soars In California Jails

In addition to trying to improve treatment inside the jails, Los Angeles and San Diego county officials say they are working more closely with community organizations to ensure inmates with mental illness get the services they need after their release.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, APRIL 17 PROGRAM # 8309 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. As California became the last border state to agree to President Trump’s request to send troops from the National Guard to the border with Mexico, civil rights groups are urging all the governors to reject those plans, stating that “border communities are not war […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta |

Restricting Police Firearms Use.

MONDAY, APRIL 9 PROGRAM # 8303 12:00 PM PT Restricting Police Firearms Use. After the public uproar sparked by the fatal shooting of a young unarmed black man in Sacramento by police officers, state lawmakers and the family of the victim are proposing that California becomes the first state to restrict officers firearms use, and […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Departamento de Justicia demanda a California por ser ‘estado Santuario’

(Español) “Sessions nos esta demandando “porque nos negamos a ayudar a Trump a separar familias inmigrantes”: Kevin de León.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Tras advertencia de la alcalde de Oakland, ICE realiza redadas en el norte de California

(Español) La redada en el norte de California comenzó tres días después de que Trump amenazara con retirar a los oficiales de ICE del estado, diciendo: “En dos meses nos rogarán que regresemos”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Coping with Tax Hikes. Also, Permits for Immigrant Workers. Also, Officer Cleared in Killing of Unarmed Elder.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5 PROGRAM # 8258 12:00 PM PT Coping with Tax Hikes. The California state senate passed a bill to protect state taxpayers from federal tax hikes, after Trump limited state and local tax deductions, in a direct hit to Democrat-led states. To offset the blow to the federal deduction, lawmakers propose to allow […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) California hoy: dos anuncios de inmigración, uno oscuro, el otro soleado

(Español) El contraste entre los dos anuncios, “uno oscuro y siniestro, y el otro brillante y optimista”, habla de la divergencia entre el Partido Republicano nacional y el partido en California, “cuya diversidad (los latinos son una pluralidad) y los valores progresistas lo colocan a la vanguardia de la oposición a la administración Trump”,

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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