Search Results for: incendios forestales

Wildfires and Covid.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 5 PROGRAM # 9340 12:00 PM PDT Wildfires and Covid. As the nation recovers from the pandemic, the wildfires that ravage California and Western states are making people more vulnerable to Covid. Exposure to smoke pollution increases the risk of contracting Covid. A researcher discusses his findings and provides recommendations for individuals and […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: Ricardo Lara, Comisionado de Seguros de California anuncia dos nuevas leyes que protegen a damnificados de incendios forestales

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Deadly Heat Wave. Also, Early Wildfires.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 7 PROGRAM # 9310 12:00 PM PDT Deadly Heat Wave. A deadly heat wave is scorching the Pacific Northwest, an area that’s largely unprepared to deal with weather like the current record-breaking temperatures. Dozens have died, power cables have melted, and roads have buckled because of the unprecedented heat wave. Migrant workers are bearing […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: Ayuda material y legal a damnificados de incendios forestales + Supere el Estrés post electoral + Protéjase contra coronavirus en fiestas decembrinas.

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: Recomendaciones de la CDC sobre humo de incendios forestales y Covid19 

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Breathing ‘A Chore’: California Wildfires Threaten The Health Of Young And Old

Kimberly McCoy, who lives in Fresno, has seen that firsthand. She and her son both have asthma, and she said her chest feels tight and her son has been wheezing. McCoy said she hasn’t let her son outdoors in recent days. “That’s really hard for an active 6-year-old,” she said.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

(Español) Incendios forestales en California, “parte de la vida en este estado”

(Español) “Las áreas de preocupación para los bomberos incluyen las comunidades costeras de Santa Bárbara, Summerland y Montecito, así como Matilija Wilderness y Rose Valley… En el lado este del incendio, la amenaza continúa para Fillmore en Ventura”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Los incendios forestales se han vuelto la normalidad en California

(Español) Como suele ocurrir en este tipo de desastres causados por la naturaleza, a su vez afectada por las actividades de los seres humanos, nunca faltan las acciones altruistas de las personas siempre dispuestas a ayudar.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Responde Oregon con medidas más exitosas que en el pasado a incendios forestales

(Español) Lo primero que funcionó fueron os sistemas de alerta. Los residentes del área recibieron las órdenes de evacuación puntualmente. Lo segundo es que se puso de inmediato el ataque inicial al incendio y tuvimos como respuesta m de 15 agencias estatales, bomberos de muchísimos otros condados…”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

New Heat Wave Ranking Law. Oregon on High Alert for Wildfires. From Burning Hills to Polluted Water Supply.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 PROGRAM # 9749 12:00 PM PT New Heat Wave Ranking Law. As record-breaking heat waves exploded in California, Gov. Newsom signed a law to establish a first-in-the-nation heatwave ranking and warning system to protect communities that are most at risk to these deadly climate threats. The law would also improve access to […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

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