Search Results for: Trabajadores de Immokalee

Covid-19 Pandemic Update.

MONDAY, JULY 27 PROGRAM # 8956 12:00 PM PT Covid-19 Pandemic Update. The coronavirus pandemic in the US is still on the rise, with more than 4 million cases and daily deaths at the highest level in months. California is now the state with the most Covid-19 cases in the nation, surpassing New York, and […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, JUNE 16 PROGRAM # 8917 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. The Supreme Court is ready to issue a decision on DACA at any time now. Dreamers are hoping for the best but bracing for the worst case scenario. A mental health leader talks about the emotional crises that troubled immigrant youth report and the […]

Posted in Education, Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, APRIL 14 PROGRAM # 8853 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. Millions of farmworkers are considered “essential” workers and continue risking their lives working out in the fields to feed those “sheltering in place.” Still, farmworkers are not entitled to basic benefits and many are not even given basic protection against coronavirus. Legislators in California […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Health |

Wendy’s Continues to Refuse to Sign Agreement Protecting Tomato Pickers

For more than four years, the main shareholder of the fast food chain Wendy’s has refused to sign the Fair Food Program with Florida tomato pickers.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Farmworkers Face Wendy’s and Wall Street. Public Takeover of PG&E? Another School Shooting.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18 PROGRAM # 8740 12:00 PM PT Farmworkers Face Wendy’s and Wall Street. Farmworkers from Florida and supporters protest at the New York offices of the largest shareholder of Wendy’s, urging the fast-food chain to sign up to a fair food agreement to help eradicate forced labor and sexual abuse in the fields. […]

Posted in Economy, Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

Immigrants Return to the Streets on May Day, This Time for Licenses

Thousands of immigrants and their allies celebrated International Workers Day with coordinated public events in ten states under the slogan, “Driving Without Fear,” a reference to the request for states to issue driver’s licenses to the undocumented.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

May Day. Also, Venezuela: Failed Coup or Uprising?

WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 PROGRAM # 8597 12:00 PM PT May Day. May 1 has been declared a Day without Latinos in Wisconsin by immigrant- and labor-rights leaders, who are calling for no work, no school and no buying. Ten thousand are rallying on Madison’s Capitol and demand the legislature to restore driver licenses for immigrants, […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Campaña del Programa de Comida Justa a la universidad de Carolina del Norte

(Español) Los trabajadores de Immokalee esperan ampliar su modelo a una variedad de cultivos en otros estados donde los trabajadores aún sufren abusos. “A largo plazo los compradores y productores no pueden evitar participar en el Programa de Comida Justa”: profesor de derecho de Fordham University.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Wendy’s Faces Protest by Tomato Pickers

Challenging a boycott launched by Florida tomato pickers nearly two years ago, the hamburger chain Wendy’s is refusing to sign an agreement to help combat sexual harassment and increase wages for farmworkers.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Pizcadores de Florida presionan en NY a Wendy’s para firmar Programa de Comida Justa

(Español) La enjundiosa labor de esta coalición ha hecho que Wendy’s cediera a la presión del boicot consistente de los trabajadores, y que en su más reciente junta de accionistas anunciara la intención de regresar de México sus compras de tomate.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

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