Search Results for: Ciudades Santuario

(Español) San Francisco demanda al gobierno federal por recortes a ciudades Santuario

(Español) “Esta demanda no es un paso que hayamos tomado a la ligera”, explicó el abogado Herrera. “Es necesaria para defender a la gente de esta ciudad, de este estado y de este país de la extralimitación salvaje de un presidente cuyas palabras y acciones hasta ahora han demostrado muy poco respeto por nuestra Constitución o el estado de derecho”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Donald Trump Orders Crackdown on Immigration

On the third day of his presidency, Donald Trump delivered on his campaign promise of a crackdown on immigration to the United States. Trump signed executive orders green-lighting a wall along the border with Mexico, blocking federal funding for sanctuary cities, recruiting thousands of new immigration officials, among other measures.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Mexico |

(Español) ¿Se perfila una vuelta a las ciudades Santuario ante las amenazas de Trump?

(Español) Paralelamente activistas y líderes políticos se reunieron en la Alcaldía de Nueva York para apelar a la compasión de Obama, que proteja a los beneficiarios de la Acción Diferida (DACA) a través de un perdón presidencial. ” Cuando Obama se vaya van a quedar sin ninguna protección”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Anti “Sanctuary City” Bill Blocked.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20. PROGRAM # 7634 12:00 PM PT Anti “Sanctuary City” Bill Blocked. A Republican-sponsored bill targeting “sanctuary cities” failed to advance in the US Senate. The measure, that would have imposed harsher penalties for illegal reentry and cut off federal funds for states and cities that refuse to comply with ICE detainer requests, […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Sheriff Mirkarimi habla sobre la tormenta conservadora desatada contra las ciudades santuario por la muerte de Kate Steinle

(Español) Donald Trump ya afinó su estrategia para “ganarse” el voto latino, como asegura que lo hará si es el nominado republicano: revocar, si fuera electo presidente, las acciones ejecutivas migratorias, y la deportación de 11 millones de indocumentados.

Posted in Homepage Feature |

Neighboring Cities Take Opposite Stance on Sanctuary Policy

A week after President Trump visited California and fanned the flames of the debate on state sanctuary policies, two neighboring municipal governments took official positions on the matter, although each in the opposite direction.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

More Sanctuary Cities Declared

Concerned about Donald Trump’s threats to deport millions of immigrants and because of the increase in hate crimes, many cities have declared or reaffirmed themselves as Sanctuary Cities.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

(Español) Redadas masivas de ICE en “Operación Santuario” comenzarían a partir de mañana

(Español) La administración Trump ha amenazado periódicamente con realizar operaciones contra ciudades santuario, incluido un plan para transportar a los migrantes desde la frontera y liberarlos en San Francisco y otras jurisdicciones controladas por demócratas, amenazándolas con despojarlas de los fondos federales.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Homeless Sanctuary.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 PROGRAM # 8747 12:00 PM PT Homeless Sanctuary. San Francisco has the highest rents of any major US city and the evictions rates are on the rise. In response to the housing crisis and to care for the growing homeless population, a local organization reaches out to homeless residents to provide daytime […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Massive Fines Imposed on Migrant Mothers Seeking Sanctuary

Immigration authorities have begun to impose fines of up to half a million dollars on immigrant women who have refused to comply with deportation orders.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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