Search Results for: incendios forestales

Mexico Edition.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 16 PROGRAM # 8674 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. A farmer activist said the plan to plant one million fruit and timber trees in two years is not realistic, as proposed in Mexico’s government program Sembrando Vida. He said that in order to receive the 5,000 pesos a month that the participants are […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

Groundbreaking Protections for Farmworkers. Also, Coal Plants to Make a Comeback.

MONDAY, JUNE 24 PROGRAM # 8635 12:00 PM PT Groundbreaking Protections for Farmworkers. The New York Assembly and Senate passed farm labor bills that for the first time give farmworkers the right to unionize, collect overtime pay and unemployment benefits, and take at least one day off per week. Despite the opposition of the agricultural […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Un posible colapso de la civilización asoma en el horizonte de la aldea global, y en México

(Español) “En todo el mundo, en México va a haber más esos fuegos, lo que requiere tener una política de adaptación y preparación, no estar esperando a que lleguen los incendios para prevenir el impacto”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

Mexico Edition.

FRIDAY, MAY 31 PROGRAM # 8619 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. Mexico City declared an environmental emergency as smoke from more than 100 wildfires raised air pollution to unsafe levels. The wildfires are fueled by hot weather and rising temperatures linked to climate change. An eminent scientist and environmentalist discusses Mexico’s new environmental and health […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

Climate Change Threatens Public Health. Also, Cities Want Their Own Public Banks.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 PROGRAM # 8617 12:00 PM PT Climate Change Threatens Public Health. For years, California has been hit by devastating wildfires, floods, droughts, and dangerous heat waves, which are expected to continue and multiply. Activists warn that if no urgent policy action is taken, the human-caused global warming will soon become a public […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

Climate Change: A Looming Public Health Crisis in California

In the past decade, the state has experienced a host of record-breaking events, including the highest number of high tide flood days in 2017 in San Diego, the hottest month on state record in July 2018, and the Camp Fire, the most destructive and deadliest wildfire that devastated parts of Northern California.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Did Cinco de Mayo Save the Union? Also, “Harvest Season.”

MONDAY, MAY 6 PROGRAM # 8600 12:00 PM PT Did Cinco de Mayo Save the Union? On the anniversary of the Battle of Cinco de Mayo, this program features remarks from a Mexican scholar, quotes from historians, and music from the period of the French occupation. At a time when the threat of foreign intervention […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

(Español) Se abre camino el Green New Deal, que garantiza equidad y justicia racial y económica

(Español) Más de 60 demócratas de la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado también firmaron la resolución general, exigiendo a Estados Unidos que para 2030 elimine las emisiones adicionales de dióxido de carbono que calienta en el planeta.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Algunos de los últimos resultados de la elección que tardó en concluir

(Español) Junto con otros resultados electorales, el total de la representación californiana en la cámara baja en Washington tendrá una mayoría de 45 demócratas y 8 republicanos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Dirty Air And Disasters Sending Kids To The ER For Asthma

Because the region is surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges, pollutants get trapped in the valley. Wildfires — such as the blazes that have dirtied the valley’s air this summer — exacerbate asthma symptoms and send more kids to the emergency room.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

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