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(Español) Podrían estar discriminando jueces de Inmigración

(Español) “Mientras que en el sistema de justicia criminal a todo acusado que enfrentan aunque sea un solo día de prisión se le proporciona un abogado si no puede pagarlo, los inmigrantes que enfrentan la deportación en general no tienen esa oportunidad”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Trump y Peña Nieto: juntos intentan conseguir nueva bocanada de aire

(Español) “… Castigar a las ciudades santuario, endurecer la persecución vía E-Verify y la identificación biométrica, eliminar DACA y poner a los Dreamers en vías de deportación…”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Mexico |

(Español) El fantasma del fraude y las tácticas de intimidación al votante

(Español) “Ahí vas a la urna, te gritan en inglés con voz fuerte si tú eres una persona que puede votar, se intimida uno y mejor no quiere pasar por eso, ‘Mejor no voy’.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Could Arizona’s Latino Voters Decide the Election?

In Arizona, civic campaigns are once again trying to wake up the sleeping giant of the Latino vote. This time, activists say that more than 400,000 voters could participate in the November elections. If so, the Latino vote could be decisive in the presidential election and could help convert this restrictionist stronghold in a competitive swing state.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Mobilizing the Millenial Vote

According to data from the Pew Research Center, almost half of the more than 27 million Latinos eligible to vote this November are from the so-called millenial generation. In California, one of every three Latinos is a young adult under 30. If they were to come out to vote in big numbers, they could decide important races.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Colorado e Illinois avanzan programas de salud para niños indocumentados

(Español) Gracias a campañas informativas en los vecindarios de los inmigrantes donde los indocumentados son una población alta. El Departamento de Salud determinó invertir en esos niños.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Negative Rhetoric by Presidential Candidates Motivates Hate Crimes

The negative rhetoric by presidential candidates like Republican Donald Trump against minority groups like Latinos and Muslims, is instigating violence, according to an organization that watches hate groups in the United States.

Posted in Weekly Edition, Homepage Feature |

Sounds of California Bilingual Radio Special Explores Migration through Music

Sounds of California is part of a larger research and community engagement initiative led by a partnership of the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, The Alliance for California Traditional Arts, and Radio Bilingüe.

Posted in Arts & Culture, Homepage Feature |

Sounds of California: Exploring Migration through Music on Radio

The power of music and sound traditions to express migration experiences, cultural resilience and community transformation is at the heart of a new bilingual radio special coming this Thursday March 3, 2016 from 5 to 7 PST from Radio Bilingüe, the National Latino Public Radio Network, hosted by acclaimed author and cultural commentator Rubén Martínez

Posted in News Releases |

(Español) Abuso y agresión sexual infantil, y trabajo sin paga a migrantes centroamericanos en EU: Ap

(Español) La investigadora de Derechos Humanos de la de la Universidad de Harvard, Jacqueline Bhabha externó su consternación, y declaró que “Jamás permitiríamos que esto le ocurriera a niños estadunidenses”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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