Search Results for: sequia

(Español) Mega proyecto de infraestructura de agua en CA recibe impulso, pero hay fuertes críticas

(Español) El gobernador Brown insiste en que en un momento de cambio climático y sequía los túneles son esenciales “para asegurar la integridad de un sistema de agua central en la economía del estado, ya que mueve el agua hacia las granjas y las áridas partes del sur de California”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Fixing the Parks. Also, Omnibus Bill Passes Without Dream Act.

THURSDAY, MARCH 22 PROGRAM # 8291 12:00 PM PT Fixing the Parks. Green spaces and parks are known to help reduce health costs and combat asthma and diabetes. Still, only one third of people in the US can walk to a park within ten minutes. In Fresno, capital of the worst air pollution in the […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

Deported Guatemalans Migrate North Again

Despite the crackdown against immigrants unleashed by the Trump administration, many of the more than 60,000 Guatemalans deported last year plan to return to the United States.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Veteran Leader Tells His Story as Defender of the Colorado River

Decades before the current fight in Standing Rock to protect the waters of the Missouri River from oil contamination, there was the less known battle of the Chemehuevi Tribe to protect the Colorado River from toxic waste. At the center of that epic battle was veteran local activist Alfredo Figueroa.

Posted in Arts & Culture, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Calentamiento global podría forzar a Trump a elegir entre la ciencia y su base lectoral

Un funcionario de la Casa Blanca dijo el martes que aún está revisando el borrador de un documento escrito por científicos, algunos de los cuales han dicho que temen que Trump busque enterrarlo o alterar su contenido antes de ser formalmente liberado a la opinión pública (inglés).

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Aumentan partículas que podrían causar cáncer en el agua del East Bay

(Español) Dicen que para lidiar con el problema el Distrito está considerando gastar millones de dólares en refinar los procedimientos de tratamiento del agua, o cambiar el equipo en algunas plantas.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Hundreds of people claim the presence of a Republican congressman asking him not to affect their health insurance.

Hundreds of residents in the Central Valley of California, a district governed by Republican Rep. Jeff Denham, went to a public forum to demand his opposition to the elimination of the health reform bill called Obamacare.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Republicans Take First Steps toward Repealing Obamacare
*How to Report Hate Crimes
*Can Well Drilling Be Stopped in California County Hit by Drought?

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

Can Well Drilling Be Stopped in California County Hit by Drought?

Under pressure from a new state law to administer water more efficiently, the board of supervisors of Tulare County, in California’s Central Valley, agreed to prepare a proposal to limit permits to drill new agricultural wells.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment |
Un estanque de evaporación de aguas en Kings County, una porción del Valle de San Joaquín, CA.

Will the New Water Law Relieve Poor Families’ Crisis?

“The farmworkers are still affected…there are more tan 2000 small water Wells that have no more water so these communities have to use bottled water.”

Posted in Weekly Edition, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Environment |

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