Search Results for: inmigrantes Carga Publica

We present a summary of this and other headlines from the 2018 mid-term elections

In California, Democrats swept the Republican Party in races ranging from the governorship and the state legislature to the U.S. Congress.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16 PROGRAM # 8448 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. The Trump administration has issued a new proposed “public charge” rule that would deny green cards to anyone who has used public benefits. Advocates warn this policy could jeopardize access to healthcare and health for immigrants and US citizens. Los Angeles County is preparing […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta |

(Español) El suspenso del voto latino para el 6 de noviembre

(Español) El Partido Demócrata y las fundaciones y donantes privados que financian a grupos encargados de registrar y movilizar votantes también deben hacer una introspección, su propia ‘autopsia’, para ver qué cosas no han hecho a lo largo de los años y qué cosas sí han funcionado cuando de movilizar a los hispanos se trata.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Broad Rejection of New “Public Charge” Policy Targeting Immigrants
*California Extends Healthcare Enrollment Period for Residents
*Former Immigration Judge Criticizes Trump’s Pressure on the Courts

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Ignoring New Accusations Against Supreme Court Nominee, Republicans Prepare Confirmation Vote
*Proposal to Redefine “Public Charge” Could have Serious Health Impacts
*Divided Electorate Puts Win by Latino in Jeopardy in Historic County District

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

“They Take Our Jobs!”

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 PROGRAM # 8434 12:00 PM PT “They Take Our Jobs!” While immigration is down, anti-immigrant feelings and heated rhetoric are on the rise. Politicians push for a border wall and mass deportations, blaming immigrants for taking jobs, lowering salaries, being a public charge, and bringing crime. In this conversation on her book, […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Son $ 200 millones los que transfiere DHS de otras agencias federales a ICE

(Español) En el verano de 2018, los legisladores encargados de las apropiaciones monetarias en el Congreso aprobaron una solicitud de transferencia de más de 200 millones de dólares provenientes de otras agencias distintas al DHS, para cubrir “el gasto excesivo de ICE” en las camas de las cárceles de Inmigración también.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Environment |

Disabled Immigrants Organize in Order to Survive

Two Honduran migrants who lost part of their limbs in an accident while crossing through Mexico on the freight train known as “La Bestia” have formed an organization to help needy immigrants.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

TPS Families Tour the Country in Hopes of Avoiding Deportation

Aboard a passenger bus baptized the Freedom Truck, dozens of Central American families who have for decades enjoyed Temporary Protected Status (TPS) are on a 12-week journey to raise awareness about their situation.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Cruelty Reported in Federal Immigration Raid in Nebraska and Minnesota

As part of a large-scale raid, immigration agents have arrested more than 130 immigrant workers and 14 owners and managers of businesses in Nebraska and Minnesota.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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