Search Results for: Ciudades Santuario

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Immigrants Fast, Urging Judges to Decide on DACA and DAPA
*Anti-Sanctuary Laws Blocked in the Senate
*Exclusive Interview With Imprisoned Self-Defense Leader in Mexico

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

(Español) Un accidente llamado Trump

(Español) Allí estaba Donald Trump, en la frontera mexicoestadounidense en el sector de Laredo, Texas, invitado por un sindicato de la Patrulla Fronteriza, rodeado de funcionarios de la ciudad, con el tránsito vehicular detenido en la bulliciosa franja, y decenas de periodistas de todas partes siguiendo cada uno de sus pasos y comentarios. Foto: AP Photo

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Protests Against Police Impunity

In Mexico and the United States, intense public actions have erupted in recent weeks to protest against police violence and impunity, in Mexico because of the students who disappeared after being detained by police, and in the United States, after a series of deaths of African-American men and boys at the hands of policemen. This […]

Posted in Homepage Feature |

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