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Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 PROGRAM # 8432 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. On National Voter Registration Day, thousands hit the streets to reach hundreds of thousands of citizens in need of registration to vote or updating their voter registration. A cofounder of the national day talks about the registration campaign and comments on the Senate hearings […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Under Trump Proposal, Lawful Immigrants Might Be Inclined To Shun Health Benefits

A proposed change in immigration policy from the Trump administration could make it more difficult for immigrants to obtain a green card if family members use Medicaid or other government benefits for medical care. The “chilling effects” of the draft proposal already are being felt in California community health centers, one official said.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

(Español) Amaga Trump con militarizar la frontera sur, aunque no dice cuándo ni cómo

(Español) Si bien la estrategia no es nueva, la ley generalmente prohíbe a los militares en servicio activo llevar a cabo funciones domésticas, como detener a personas en la frontera. Aunque otros presidentes anteriormente lo han hecho.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, APRIL 3 PROGRAM # 8299 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. The Trump administration plans to penalize immigrants who receive tax deductions and health benefits, and who may now be considered a “public charge” and be denied legal residency. Also, Texas immigrant advocates are launching a caravan along border communities to educate immigrants on how […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) ¿Salud universal para todos? Avanza lentamente un nuevo plan en California

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, MARCH 27 PROGRAM # 8294 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. Congress passed and President Trump signed a spending bill that includes increased funding for the military and domestic programs, and money for border fences and barriers, but no relief for DACA and TPS recipients. A Republican member of Congress comments on this and about […]

Posted in Education, Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 PROGRAM # 8259 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. Democrats voted last month to reopen the government after getting a promise from the Senate leader to allow a vote on DACA by February 8. On the eve of the deadline, is there a deal in the making? Also, local advocates and officials in […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Colorado e Illinois avanzan programas de salud para niños indocumentados

(Español) Gracias a campañas informativas en los vecindarios de los inmigrantes donde los indocumentados son una población alta. El Departamento de Salud determinó invertir en esos niños.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Mejorando la inscripción en el mercado de seguros (primera)

(Español) “Una de cada 4 personas elegibles para esta cobertura, viene de la comunidad latina. Una de cada 4 personas de nuestra comunidad tiene la oportunidad de recibir esa cobertura a buen precio, y con la ayuda para entender qué es la solicitud, cuáles son nuestros servicios y dónde pueden obtener esa ayuda”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Respuestas a preguntas específicas para la inscripción al Obamacare (última)

(Español) “Desafortunadamente me salí de trabajar de la compañía donde estaba… me volví a regresar a la misma compañía pero no voy a atener la cobertura sino hasta como para principios de junio, porque creo que son tres meses para que te la vuelvan a dar. ¿Tengo que inscribirme, o tengo que pagar multa?”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

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