Search Results for: incendios forestales

Abortion Rights and Electric Cars on the Ballot in California

Initiatives that will be put before voters in the California ballot this Nov. 8 include enshrining abortion as a right in the California state constitution and having the wealthy foot the bill to boost purchases of electric cars and help fight fires.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Extra Edition.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 PROGRAM # 9779 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition. California began sending tax-refund checks to about 23 million state residents to help them cope with the rising cost of gas and inflation. Similar payments are being sent to taxpayers in other states. In other news, in the face of a megadrought, record heat […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

*Climate Change a Big Issue for Voters in November
*Beto and Abbott Lock Horns in Texas Gubernatorial Debate
*Los Angeles County Declared a Sanctuary for Reproductive Rights

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

Climate Change a Big Issue for Voters in November

The aftermath of the intense hurricane and wildfire season will be on the minds of voters during the midterm elections in November. Latino voters report that climate change became one of their top five issues of interest.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Emergency Response to Heat Wave. Also, Urban Heat Watch.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 PROGRAM # 9745 12:00 PM PT Emergency Response to Heat Wave. California is being hit by a record-breaking heat wave and dangerous wildfires. Los Angeles, a city with too much asphalt and too few trees, is the most vulnerable to extreme heat. What is Los Angeles’ recently appointed heat officer doing to […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

Noticiero Latino: High temperatures continue, take precautions

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

(Español) Peligroso tsunami de calor atraviesa el país haciendo estragos en la costa oeste

(Español) Y en Lincoln Heights, una comunidad históricamente negra fundada por trabajadores de molinos en la década de 1920, el incendio de Mountain, en el condado de Siskiyou creció a más de 11 mil acres, una masa de tierra aproximadamente del tamaño de la ciudad de Berkeley, y sólo estaba contenido en un 30%.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |
Una residente del Valle Central de California muestra impuridades en su agua potable. Foto: Community Water Center via Facebook

(Español) California, primer estado en aprobar el derecho universal a la asequibilidad del agua

(Español) “Aplaudimos a la legislatura por aprobar la SB 222 y ahora hacemos un llamado al gobernador Newsom para que firme este proyecto de ley y haga que la asequibilidad del agua sea una realidad para nuestras familias trabajadoras”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Inmigrantes, Politics |

Noticiero Latino: September is National Preparedness Month

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Noticiero Latino: Prepare for Emergencies and Natural Disasters

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

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