Search Results for: contaminacion ambiental

California doesn’t just have a water crisis. It has a human crisis.

California’s Community Water Center reports that water systems serving predominantly Latino and low-income communities have disproportionately high occurrences of arsenic and nitrate contamination, and that many low-income residents in affected areas are paying up to 10 percent of their monthly income to purchase clean, safe water.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Thousands of CA Students Drink Polluted Water at School

Hundreds of California schools offer unsafe drinking water to their students, according to a study by environmental groups. More than a million students, many of whom are Latino and poor children, especially in the state’s Central Valley, are putting their health at risk when they drink water from their school drinking fountains.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Composter Concerns Residents in Small California Town

The company uses the town’s treated sewage waters for its operations, and now, under new ownership, it is also preparing additional land as an alternative for using the water, if it closes. The neighbors are calling on the company and the local authorities to do everything possible to reduce pollution to the air, water, and soil. Our reporter Rubén Tapia has more.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Latino Communities in Los Angeles Fight to Clean Up Toxic Lead

After intense protest by local leaders and residents, this week California approved millions of dollars in funding to clean up the dangerous lead from the neighborhoods. Our correspondent in Los Angeles, Rubén Tapia, reports from the affected communities, in the first of a series of stories about this massive lead pollution. This story is part of our new series, “Hablando de la Raza.”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

What do the New Hampshire Results Mean?
Massive Lead Pollution in Latino Homes in Los Angeles
Overwhelming Violence in Morelos, México

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

(Español) Trabajadores latinos enfermos, legado de desaparecida compañía fundidora de Texas

(Español) “Ellos decían que les gustaba trabajar ahí porque querían un trabajo que pagaba muy bien y con eso podían alimentar a sus familias y vivir una vida mejor. Sin embargo, ahora ellos están sufriendo en carne propia enfermedades muy pesadas y muy dolorosas”, sostiene la abogada.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

California: Climate Change Epicenter

Jerry Brown spoke to statespeople and businesspeople from around the world, highlighting the role at the forefront that the state has taken with policies like putting a price on carbon emissions and reducing greenhouse gases. We talked about the topic on Linea Abierta. Marco Vinicio González prepared this report.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Culpan a uso ilegal de basurero de males congénitos y enfermedades crónicas

(Español) Y esta la madre de una bebé con anencefalia: “Nació sin cerebro, y nada más con la mitad del cráneo”.

Posted in Environment, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

(Español) Prohibición completa de bolsas de plástico en Los Ángeles

(Español) Los que apoyan la medida aseguran que ésta reducirá la contaminación de los océanos y los daños a la vida marítima mientras que la industria del plástico argumenta que generará desempleo y que las bolsas de papel son más contaminantes que las de plástico.

Posted in Topics, Noticiero Latino |

(Español) Latinos y el cambio climático: Los políticos deben tomar nota (última)

(Español) Adriana Quintero concluyó diciendo que es hora de elevar la voz, hacerla publica, “porque de otra manera los que tienen el poder, van a seguir en el poder y van a seguir contaminando. Ya es hora de nosotros volvamos a tomar las riendas de este problema”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

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