Search Results for: voto latino

Extension to unemployment benefits advances in the Senate

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Economy, Noticiero Latino |

Will 2014 be the Year of Immigration Reform?

2013 was a year marked by intense mobilizations, fasts, and other actions calling for comprehensive immigration reform. Although a bill was not made into law, advocates are pushing to register Latino voters and say they think 2014 could be the year of immigration reform. From Washington, D.C., José López Zamorano has this summary of news from 2013 and projections of what’s to come in this crucial election year, around immigration reform, unemployment benefits, and the Affordable Care Act.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Youth should turn toward the science of our ancestors: Rigoberta Menchú

Recently, the distinguished Guatemalan, Rigoberta Menchú, Nobel Peace Prize, spoke to indigenous organizers in Fresno, California, and their allies. Menchú spoke about recent triumphs and celebrated the beauty of indigenous languages, among other messages. Juana Gómez, host of La Hora Mixteca on Radio Bilingüe, interviewed the well-known defender of the rights of Native peoples.

Posted in Economy, Education, Homepage Feature, Hora Mixteca, Immigration, Youth, Mexico |

(Español) Concilio de LA aprueba resolución que pide a Obama detener deportaciones y ampliar Acción Diferida

(Español) Para ilustrar la amplitud del fenómeno migratorio Ban Ky-moon, Secretario General del organismo, declaró que actualmente “Hay 232 millones de personas que no viven en su país natal. Yo soy uno de ellos”.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

Biden accuses Boehner of blocking immigration reform

(Español) Por otro lado, un grupo de activistas programaron este jueves una marcha desde el Congreso hasta la carpa de huelguistas de hambre, o ayunantes, en el Paseo Nacional.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino, Politics |

SeaTac voters approve $15 minimum wage

(Español) Los que se oponen, entre los que se encuentran arrendadoras de coches y la línea aérea Alaska, dicen que la medida afectara negativamente a las empresas y a la ciudad de Seatac. Una coalición de opositores al incremento salarial levantó una demanda en contra de la referida proposición en un juzgado superior.

Posted in Economy, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

U.S. based groups want Mexican authorities to weigh on immigration

(Español) En esta consulta ciudadana participó Douglas Carranza, representante del Instituto de Investigación y Políticas Centroamericanas de la Universidad Estatal de California en Northridge, con los serios problemas que atraviesan los centroamericanos en su tránsito por México.

Posted in Immigration, Mexico, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

Call for national fast for immigration reform

Despite freezing temperatures across the East Coast, the hunger strikers outside the Capitol Building keep demanding that Congress vote on immigration reform. With no response from the Republican leadership, union leader Eliseo Medina called for a national fast from December 1st to 3rd to raise consciousness around the country. José López Zamorano has more from Washington, D.C.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Obama sends shout out to protesters fasting for immigration reform

(Español) El movimiento de huelguistas de hambre anuncia este martes en Washington una nueva campaña nacional para presionar al presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, John Boehner, para que vote por un proyecto de ley este año.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino, Politics |

Voters in Honduras presidential elections turned away in Los Angeles

(Español) Se disputaron el voto de más de 5 millones de electores registrados, que poco más de la mitad son de mujeres. Al mismo tiempo se elegirán cerca de 300 alcaldes, más de 2 mil regidores y 20 diputados al Parlamento Centroamericano.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino, Politics |

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