Search Results for: crisis de vivienda

Google Mega-Campus and Housing Shortage.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 PROGRAM # 8703 12:00 PM PT Google Mega-Campus and Housing Shortage. Google is planning to build a new mega-campus in San Jose, in Silicon Valley. Community advocates are worried that the arrival of 20,000 tech employees will lead to huge rent hikes and a rise in the cost of living, and to […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta |

Schools and Homelessness Crisis.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 PROGRAM # 8692 12:00 PM PT Schools and Homelessness Crisis. In response to the housing crisis hitting the San Francisco Bay Area, the San Francisco school board launched a pilot program in one of its schools to let homeless or home-insecure students and their families from across the city spend the night […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Candidatos presidenciales demócratas denuncian racismo ecológico

(Español) “No es coincidencia que los niños negros padezcan más asma que los blancos… algunas comunidades fueron empujadas intencionalmente a barrios cercanos a fuentes contamintes”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics |

Latino Shops and the Threat of Rising Rents.

MONDAY, JULY 22 PROGRAM # 8655 12:00 PM PT Latino Shops and the Threat of Rising Rents. The rising costs of rent and housing in the San Francisco bay area are threatening mom and pop businesses in the traditionally Latino Mission neighborhood. Those shops that haven’t relocated are at high risk of being pushed out. […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Virginia opta por la ‘descarcelación’ y atención a problemas mentales contra el encarcelamiento masivo

(Español) La mayoría de los detenidos muy probablemente no necesitan ser encarcelados para mantener la seguridad pública. Cuando los tribunales usan la detención preventiva como la norma, los negros y latinos pobres son castigadas desproporcionadamente.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Criminal Justice |

Presidential Candidates Committed to Immigration Reform

during a forum in Pasadena in the Los Angeles area, four candidates committed to prioritizing immigration reform in the first 100 days of their government

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Presidential candidates begin to talk about over-incarceration.

The public clamor about the so-called civil rights crisis has prompted that presidential candidates begin to talk about reforms to the criminal justice system.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Climate Change: A Looming Public Health Crisis in California

In the past decade, the state has experienced a host of record-breaking events, including the highest number of high tide flood days in 2017 in San Diego, the hottest month on state record in July 2018, and the Camp Fire, the most destructive and deadliest wildfire that devastated parts of Northern California.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) No dejes tu corazón en San Francisco, la ciudad te lo rompe

(Español) Hoy San Francisco cede el paso a la nostalgia y al abandono de la población que un día le dio fama mundial como epicentro de la vanguardia artística, la vida bohemia y la innovación. Hoy el alto costo de la vida expulsa a sus viejas generaciones, que se hallan sumidas en una crisis de hiper-gentrificación■

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

(Español) O pagas, o te vas, el mantra de los dueños de alquiler en La Misión (última)

(Español) “Son muchos, está bien variado… yo llevo como 30 años viviendo aquí y el cambio ha sido impactante. Da miedo. Estamos luchando”.

Posted in Arts & Culture, Homepage Feature |

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