Search Results for: voto latino

(Español) Trump: el mejor regalo navideño para los demócratas

(Español) ¿Será 2016 diferente? Quién sabe. Pero a juzgar por la disfuncionalidad de la interna republicana, el reinado de Trump, o Cruz pisándole los talones, sin duda Santa Claus, Papá Noel o San Nicolás, como quiera llamarle, le adelantó el regalo navideño a los demócratas.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Supreme Court Considers Case That Would Change “One Person, One Vote”
*Immigrant Workers in California Urged to Enroll Undocumented Children in Health Insurance
*What’s Next for the Nation After the San Bernardino Massacre?

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

Latinas on the Rise.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23. PROGRAM # 7658 12:00 PM PT Latinas on the Rise. Yakima elected for the first time in history Latina city councilmembers after the old at-large election system was abolished and citizens voted in districts for the first time. Three Latinas were elected, bringing with them the promise of major changes to this […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Why Become A Citizen?

A year before the 2016 elections, a group of civil organizations in Los Angeles is trying to get more permanent residents to take this important step. Our correspondent Rubén Tapia found a couple that resisted becoming U.S. citizens for a long time, but has now finally decided to do so.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Democrats Debate on Wall Street and war in Syria

The debate, held in Des Moines, Iowa, started with questions about the attacks in Paris, and included heated exchanges about the influence of Wall Street in politics.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Non Citizen Vote. Also, DACA, DAPA to the Supreme Court.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10. PROGRAM # 7649 12:00 PM PT Non Citizen Vote. In the latest of a growing movement to revive the support for voting rights for non citizens, bills that would allow immigrants to vote in local elections have been introduced in New York City and the District of Columbia. The new laws would […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Buscan elevar el salario mínimo en California, a 15 dólares por hora

(Español) La iniciativa propone aumentar el salario mínimo gradualmente, un poco cada año, hasta llegar a 15 dólares la hora en 2020.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Republican Presidential Debate.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29. PROGRAM # 7641 12:00 PM PT Republican Presidential Debate. The day after the third Republican primary debate, this time in the swing state of Colorado, a top Republican strategist comments on the highlights of the debate, including statements on reform to the Social Security pension plans and the immigration system. A Latino […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Pierde en el Senado la SB 2146

(Español) Carolina del Norte está atacando también a las Ciudades Santuario, prohibiendo que cualquier ciudad en ese estado tenga medidas que protejan a los inmigrantes, que promueva la seguridad pública para todos sus residentes.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) “Ya no es tiempo de nomás estar observando… es hora de pintar la Casa Blanca de café”.

(Español) Sobre los candidatos presidenciales republicanos en relación a la inmigración, las reformas al derecho a la ciudadanía por nacimiento y los desafíos que enfrentan los latinos para llegar a ser una fuerza electoral que se tome en cuenta.

Posted in Homepage Feature |

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