Search Results for: voto latino

Trump’s Agreement with Democrats on DACA Spurs Political Storm

Ten days after announcing an end to the DACA program, President Trump began negotiations with congressional Democratic leaders Charles Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to protect the Dreamers.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Sobre DACA y el Dream Act no se ha escrito la última palabra

(Español) La semana pasada Trump ‘tuiteó’ que si el Congreso no aprueba el Dream Act, “reconsiderará” su decisión. Trump enfrenta a un formidable movimiento, y la última palabra sobre DACA y el Dream Act no se ha escrito.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Trump Repeals DACA as Young Dreamers Demand Action by Congress

When President Trump ordered Attorney General Jeff Sessions to end the DACA program in six months, he delivered on one of his biggest campaign promises, but he also sparked broad criticism from Democratic lawmakers, business people and civil rights leaders alike, as well as school strikes and marches by young Dreamers in front of the White House and around the country.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Trump Threatens Government Shutdown if Border Wall Isn’t Funded

A week after the act of terrorism in Charlottesville, and despite the objections of the Mayor of Phoenix, President Trump traveled to Arizona where, at a campaign rally-style event, he launched an aggressive attack on media outlets that questioned his stand toward violence by white supremacists.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

(Español) La Ciudad de Denver, Colorado, le sale al paso a la política federal antinmigrante

(Español) Hancock dijo además que con dicha ordenanza, “aseguraremos que el castigo se ajuste a la severidad del delito. Para nuestras comunidades de inmigrantes, y también para todas nuestras personas, incluyendo las que viven sin hogar”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Ex ayudantes de Trump buscan votantes ‘ilegales’ y prueba de fraude

(Español) Entre otras de las tácticas que impulsaría Look Ahead America está también “desalentar o invalidar los votos ‘fraudulentos’ mediante el despliegue de ‘observadores’ electorales con cámaras”, y a través de lo que llamaron “una investigación forense” del -presunto- fraude electoral.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) En inmigración… llueve sobre mojado

(Español) Lo más preocupante de todo este cuadro es que ante la parálisis legislativa y los reveses legislativos, ahora más que nunca Trump parece echar mano de su agenda antinmigrante como su tabla de salvación y el único rubro donde puede evidenciar resultados.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Controversial Presidential Commission Convened on Electoral Fraud

Amid intense controversy, this week saw the first meeting of the commission created by President Trump to investigate electoral fraud, which he claims without proof was committed by millions of voters in the last election.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

New Senate Republicans Health Bill. Also, Coverage for All Kids in Oregon.

MONDAY, JULY 17 PROGRAM # 8111 12:00 PM PST. New Senate Republicans Health Bill. Under pressure from president Trump to pass a health-care bill, Senate Republican leaders released a revised health-care plan to repeal and replace ACA, keeping in place the controversial spending cuts to Medicaid. They had scheduled a vote on the revised bill […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Oregon to Offer Healthcare to Undocumented Children

Oregon’s House of Representatives approved legislation last week called “Cover All Kids,” a program that would provide medical services to the more than 17,000 undocumented children estimated to be living in the state.

Posted in Comunidad Alerta, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

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